The Student Room Group

I'm giving blood tomorrow!!

I'm scared... hate blood and needles...
Just a few questions...

1. I'm about 7st 10 (it says on the website you need to be 7st 12), how closely do they stick to this? I figured it shouldn't really matter if it's a couple of pounds, and if I wear something heavy i might even be ok :rolleyes:
2. I'm vegetarian... could I be anaemic and therefore not able to give blood?
3. How much does it hurt? What does it feel like?

Sorry for all the questions, just nervous. :frown:

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Reply 1
I went for my first time yesterday woo! Im 8 stone n a half and they didnt ask, expect when i brought up giving platlets and they said you have to be 9.5 stone for that, but dont worry about that hehe.

Ive often thought I could be anemic, but I had no trouble, I dont see why you will unless your deficient in something by quite alot, and my diets terrible! They prick your finger, take a sample, test it in front of you (in a machine) and they away you go to lie down and give blood (or not if your not suitable)

It.. doesnt 'hurt' its just a bit awkward (imo of course) but that was only because my blood wasnt flowing very fast so they moved the needle around a bit n pumped the pressure band up a smidge. You dont feel the needle.. but just were it enters your arm you may feel a slight.. something, hard to explain, not bad AT ALL, dont let me put you off, just get in there do it and feel good about yourself :smile:

Looking forward to my next time :smile:
Reply 2
They test you to see if you are anaemic and it's good for you to find about it if you think you might be, then you can do something about it! As for the weight thing they will probably judge it by sight so if you are wearing bulky clothes they might not be able to tell, but remember there is a reason why they have that guideline.
Reply 3
Be sure to remember to retrieve it after the loan period expires.
Reply 4
it doesnt hurt at all, feels slightly weird but you get used to it. Out of the 7 of my m8s who went to give blood only 4 could, obviously they have to have strict guidelines for your wel being more than anything else. Try not to think about it just turn up and see what they say.
Reply 5
if you are underweight why do you want to give blood? its a voluntary thing (obviously) and surely its not worth risking your own health for no personal gain?
the finger prick test that they do to get an indication of your Hb probably, and imo, hurts more than the actual needle they put in your arm - unless you get a crap venepuncturist.
last year i found out i was anaemic after going to give blood, they tested me twice - with the finger prick test, and then by taking a sample from my arm, if its lower than it should be they send it off for an FBC, and write to you to let you know the results. they take you off the register for a year before they ask you back again.
one word of advice though, if you hate the sight of blood - dont watch other people's blood draining into the bags, on my first time i looked and then i couldnt stop watching, but i did nearly faint and that was well before they came near me with the needles.

but yeah its all good, and good luck with donating
Reply 7
doesn't hurt and as for the weight thing...the best idea is to just go along and see what they say. i went with a friend once who was under the guidence weight and they just judged by looking at her, so they might not notice the difference of a couple of pounds
Reply 8
I failed to give blood today, I waited around for an hour to be told to come back in a month. Bloody sore throat.
Reply 9
I was booked to give blood last week but couldnt cos i needed a blood test, got my boyfriend to do it though for the first time- he hates needles but found it fine.
ive given blood (am actually doing so again on monday :smile: ) and it was fine. Didnt particularly hurt, i dont remember feeling pain exactly, even when the needle went in, its just a bit of a weird feeling as you can feel the blood pumping out of you and see it going down a tube...
so yeah, i guess if you dont like blood it might be an idea to avert your eyes from that......

everyone there is really nice though, if you have any questions you should just go along and ask and they'll take you through whatever you need to know.
good luck :smile:
If its your first time stay lying down a while after the needle has been disconnected. If you get up and feel dizzy, just lay straight back down and rest another few mins. Ask the nurse to get you some water and a biscuit or too. make sure u eat something afterwards!! You will feel much better.
Reply 12
i had my first time on wenesday- f**king painful. I thought i was going to die. The needle just missed a main artery, the nurse said with a smile if it had been a cm to the left i would have died, needless to say i was very :mad: :mad: :mad: !!!!!!

but go for it, it's a really sweet thing to do :smile:

xxx DaRtHbUm xxx
good for you. i gave blood for the first time about a month ago. Stings a bit when the needle is pushed in and when the blood was coming out, but its bearable. Go for it, you will feel great afterwards
Reply 14
I attempted to give blood a few months ago. I thought I'd be fine, didn't think I was scared of needles, blood or anything. Turns out I must have been wrong. I was sitting in the chair waiting, listening to all the pumps, watching it all flow, and I came over all dizzy, sick, then black out :frown: (lame I know). Since then, I've been more actively weirded out by it; not needles I don't think, just the blood, don't think I could bring myself to do it now :frown:

But good on everyone who does, and good luck nikki (even though you've done it now)
Reply 15
I'll never be able to give blood. I know it sounds mean and selfish, but i avoid needles at all costs.
Reply 16
I'll never be able to give blood. I know it sounds mean and selfish, but i avoid needles at all costs.

Me too... I'm petrified of needles!
I've given blood twice before, since I turned 17. I think it is a great thing to do and I believe it is personally good for my health. I've never been scared of needles and I am always happy to get immunisations and blood taken as it is for a greater good. I'd encourage anyone I could do give blood but remember they have the criteria for giving blood for a reason so don't fool them.
Reply 18
i've given blood a few times and it was fine. i have been asked every time about my weight though, but they're never going to actually weigh you so i guess if you're determined you could just say you were 8 stone (but like everyone said the rules are there for a reason)

lou xxx
i had my first time on wenesday- f**king painful. I thought i was going to die. The needle just missed a main artery, the nurse said with a smile if it had been a cm to the left i would have died, needless to say i was very :mad: :mad: :mad: !!!!!!

but go for it, it's a really sweet thing to do :smile:

xxx DaRtHbUm xxx

Hmm, lol not sure about that...

Well I gave blood today and it was fine, I would honestly advise anyone else thinking about it to go for it! The whole weight thing wasn't a problem at all, and I was surprised that I'm not anaemic! Yay!
It made me a bit dizzy at first but I think that was just because I was around so much blood, and afterwards I felt a bit weird but honestly no problems at all and I'm really gald I did it now.

Thanks for all the advice :smile: