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Reply 1
Hey guys

I have sent my apps for about 2 months, but I still havent heard anything back from UCL!!!! not even an notification...
my friends all go offers from UCL (engineering/biochem) ... what's wrong with my application?? (apply - engineering business finance)


Well first off you aren't applying for the same course as they are, so it is irrelevant that they have all gotten offers. All deparments are different, yours might simply wait till January when they've received all the applications to begin considering them.
Secondly UCL as a rule is one of the slowest universities to process applications. I have four offers but haven't heard a thing from UCL, but this is to be expected.
If you are really worried then contact the admissions tutor, but I suspect you're just impatient :wink:
Honestly you scientists are an impatient bunch :rolleyes:
Reply 2
Yes you're being very impatient, there's still at least a potential 4 months of time when they may give you an offer.

Don't worry and get on with your studies.
Reply 3
Hey guys

I have sent my apps for about 2 months, but I still havent heard anything back from UCL!!!! not even an notification...
my friends all go offers from UCL (engineering/biochem) ... what's wrong with my application?? (apply - engineering business finance)


I didn't get any information from them for 2.5 months and I was an international student! They're just really slow, but you should hear from them soon. If not email someone- that's what I did at the end, and they'll respond quite quickly :smile:
Reply 4
They will reply to you at some point before the deadline they have.......just be patient!
Reply 5
Don't worry about it SUmmer_glaz, you'll be fine! I have my offer for Biology, but different departments work differently. Just give them time and be patient. :smile:
Reply 6
thanks guys =]
i think im just too impatient.
I've not heard a thing for English either, Just got 'Sent' on track. Got at least at letter of acknowledgment from the other five. I'm glad others are going through the same thing!
I didn't get anything from UCL until the 12th January [a confirmation postcard], and then again on 6th April [offer]. So relax! you could have a long wait :p:
Reply 9
The Physics Department is alright for speed at UCL. I got one earlier this week.
Reply 10
I heard absolutely nothing from them till I got my offer. Don't worry :smile:
I've not heard a thing for English either, Just got 'Sent' on track. Got at least at letter of acknowledgment from the other five. I'm glad others are going through the same thing!

at least you have an acknowledgement letter from the other five..

i have 1 acknowledgement and that wasn't even a letter it was a poxy e-mail!

(and no offers btw) ..i think i beat everyone who-hasn't-received-any-offers-wise
Reply 12
^ Nope I don't have any offers or acknowledgements.. emails or otherwise. Then again my application did only go off 5 days ago (damnit :frown:)
Reply 13
^ Nope I don't have any offers or acknowledgements.. emails or otherwise. Then again my application did only go off 5 days ago (damnit :frown:)
5 days ago? You have plenty of time to wait, heh.

Patience is a virtue. :biggrin:

Patience is a virtue. :biggrin:

so they say..
yea i got nothing........
Reply 16
Nothing for History yet. :x
Hey guys

I have sent my apps for about 2 months, but I still havent heard anything back from UCL!!!! not even an notification...
my friends all go offers from UCL (engineering/biochem) ... what's wrong with my application?? (apply - engineering business finance)


don't worry about it. when me and my friends applied for ucl a couple of years back, some of my friends didn't receive offers (and rejections) until february, or even march! chill out, relax, if you meet the requirements in terms of grades etc, then you have as good a chance as anyone else of getting in. anyhows, hope that this relieves your fears! :wink:
they do it so to give everyone a fair chance. some (clever/misguided - delete as appropreate ) people don't send off their applications until the deadline.
Reply 19

I'm in my first year at UCL at the moment studying BSc Neuroscience and im loving it.
Last year i applied in October, and received my first response from them in March letting me know that i had an interview. UCL take their time with applications, so don't panic like I did! You'll here from them soon