The Student Room Group

Wadham Interview Invitations

hey, been quite stressy about not receiving my postcard confirming that Wadham has my written work so I emailed them to confirm they had it. The admissions tutor said they had received it, but more importantly apologised for the lateness of letters and said that the letters had just been sent out this afternoon (first class) so we should be getting them tomorrow! YAY!
Reply 1
hey, been quite stressy about not receiving my postcard confirming that Wadham has my written work so I emailed them to confirm they had it. The admissions tutor said they had received it, but more importantly apologised for the lateness of letters and said that the letters had just been sent out this afternoon (first class) so we should be getting them tomorrow! YAY!

So we should hear tomorrow whether we're in or not?!?!
Reply 2
hey, been quite stressy about not receiving my postcard confirming that Wadham has my written work so I emailed them to confirm they had it. The admissions tutor said they had received it, but more importantly apologised for the lateness of letters and said that the letters had just been sent out this afternoon (first class) so we should be getting them tomorrow! YAY!

Was that just for English, or everything? I've applied for Maths at Wadham!
Reply 3
Was that just for English, or everything? I've applied for Maths at Wadham!

We're gonna have a TSR meet up! If you get an interview....come along!
Reply 4
I'll start a thread inviting people to it etc. That way you can co-ordinate it efficiently! :smile:
Reply 5
Has Wadham sent out invites for all subjects or just for English?! The suspense...!
Reply 6
She said 'We've sent out all the invitations today', now whether this constitutes the English only or ALL the invitations I don't know, guess we'll have to see tomorrow, but I'd vouch for it being all. I would love to have a TSR meet up for all us potential Wadhamites, (personally thinking Wadhamers is way cooler name). None of us are doing the same subject as far as I know, there's English, French, Natural Sciences etc so no competition, all very friendly :-)