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What ifs?!?!?!

Rite heres the story! hope i dont bore anyone here but i wud like sum advice plz

when i was 17 i met a fella and went into a relationship wif him, our last 2 years in skool was brill, and then we went to different universities but in the same city so we cud still c each other! The first year was good, went out and made new friends but lived in different houses..the second year came and things got bad btween us and he became a changed person and i didnt like that. Things got so bad btween us, that we just broke up wifout sayin it to each other...bec i heard that he slept wif sumone else and i refused to talk to him ending the r'ship bec i felt that he was capable of doin that..

Anyway i moved on, and met a lovely fella whom i am engaged to now! i really do love him and want to spend the rest of my life with..but i am always wondering what if i did talk to my ex boyfriend, wud things have been diff? i always think of him (not romantically) but as to what he is at d mo!

Am i wrong in thinking like this? what should i do? i know that my ex boyfriend has a new gfriend but still txt me from time to time....I am in despair!
Reply 1
I think the only way to get over this (get closure-cheese i know!) is to contact him somehow, just say hi...tellll him you've moved on in your life, see if he has anything to say to you, if you want to talk about what happened, do it, get it out of your system, other than that, i think the main thing is to focud on your fiance! There are so many times in life when we did one thing but could have done another, no point thinking about the "what ifs" of every single decision we make!
Reply 2
I know ur rite!!! i wud just love to know if he still has feelings for me even tho i am not goin to do anythin bot it lol!
Reply 3
Wud that be just to give yourself satisfaction? (if so, it's not worth it) Or do u subconsciously want to do something about it? (not so good!)
Reply 4
I just want to c y it ended so badly n whether were there still feelings there!
Reply 5
So find him and ask him straight!! But there are no feelings on your part? At all?
Reply 6
No there is none on my part....i cudnt do dat!! he has a gfriend now and that shud show me that he has moved on..
Reply 7
So basically you just want answers for your unanswered questions? Why he slept with that girl? Why he changed? Why he didn't make the effort to speak to you? Have you got a way to contact him?
Don't wreck what you've got now.
Reply 9
No harm in asking long as you're sure you have no feelings for him
Happy Cycling
Don't wreck what you've got now.


You've moved on, right? So why go back? Why wonder what it would have been like?
Shag them both and get away with it.
Reply 12
I think knowing reasons (not getting back with him at all) is better than wondering for the rest of her life.
very true trix, very true.
what if?
answer: you wouldn't have met the guy you love now and want to spend the rest of you life with.
Just a thought: If you were truly happy and content with the current relationship that you are in, would you really need closure from an ex and answers to questions of feelings etc?

I know you say that you have no romantic feelings, but maybe you should consider why you think about your ex so much and want to contact him?
I can understand why you'd want to see your ex, if the relationship kinda just fizzled out, then you never got the chance to confront him about whether or not he actually slept with someone else. That would annoy me too. Am I right in thinking that part of you is thinking that you could've been partly to blame if he did go and sleep with someone else? (not saying it is of course!) but if there's that niggling feeling, then you probably want to find out why, so that you don't make the same "mistakes" now with your finacé.

Meet up with your ex, so long as you really don't have any feelings for him anymore. Ask him straight all the questions you want answers to, and then you can put a lid on it and move on.

If you think you could have the slightest of feelings for him though, be wary. It could cause trouble with your current relationship if you met up with him. Be prepared for anything - he could say or do something that could stir up feelings you didn't think you had anymore.

Good luck.