The Student Room Group

Dates not available for an interview...

Hey everybody,

on my UCAS form I have stated truthfully that the dates that I won't be able to come in for an interview are not yet available. Now I have been given the appropriate information about exam dates and thelike. Is it

1. necessary and
2. possible

to change my application in that regard? Will it be to my disadvantage if the unis read "dates not yet available"? :confused:

I suppose these questions apply especially to Imperial...
Reply 1
Well you can't change it via ucas or anything, but if you really want you can phone all of your unis up and let them know.

There's no point though as when they invite you to an interview, before they do that they will ask you what dates you can't make. Or if they don't and you get a date you can't make, you can just tell them you can't make that date and need to rearrange.

(I've applied to imperial and warwick for physics too btw, so hi :biggrin: )
Reply 2
that's cool. *getting ready to face competitor*

what r ur predicted grades?
Reply 3
that's cool. *getting ready to face competitor*

what r ur predicted grades?

Lol, well lets not let it get too nasty. :smile:

I'm predicted something like AAAB, i think.

Oh by the way I only just noticed your location, I didn't realise you're an international student. That might completely change what you should do in regards to the interview dates, probably best to wait to see what someone else says about it. Still don't think it's necessary for you to contact them though.
Reply 4
I'm sure that if you explain you can't come for an interview because of an exam it will be OK! It's a good excuse rather than a bad one, and they can't expect you to miss them/change the dates. But they probably will try to schedule interviews (if you have one, not everyone does) so that they miss the likely exam periods.
Reply 5
well, i have contacted imperial, and they ended up saying that if they consider me as a strong applicant, i will most likely be invited for an interview, which is not a desaster as i need to travel the UK anyhow to take a look around the various campuses.

btw there is nothing both of us can do to influence the decision of the respective universities in regard to our applications, so we can just wait and see. would be cool to meet up with you at imperial in a year or so :cool:

i was predicted AAA by the way (four A's in the each of the four Abitur exam subjects, that is) which is extremely optimistic (I'll do my best :biggrin: )