The Student Room Group

Help! Piercing problem...!

Ahhh!!! I had my earlobes pierced a couple of months ago and they've been ok until 2 days ago when one of them started getting rejected (I've read that sometimes the body decides to reject piercings and push them out). My ear turned purple and swelled up and hurt so much I had to take the earring out and now I have this HUGE nasty bump where the earring used to be, and it doesn't look like it's going away. This is not the first time i've had piercings, I'm a big piercing fan, and I have 4 in each ear, had one in my bellybutton and i'm getting my tongue done soon, but this ... 'thing'.. is really starting to worry me! I don't want a big purple lump on my earlobe for the rest of my life! Will it heal? Do I need to go to a doctor?? Help! :dontknow:
PS So sorry if i've grossed anyone out..!

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Reply 1
Go to your piercer! It might be a keloid scar, in which case you may be able to have it surgically removed but may have to live with it forever. Or it could be other problems, which your piercer will be able to advise you on.
i have no idea sorry lol, i have had my ear pierced and the hole closed up so my dad painfully opened them again my using the earing to poke in another hole! i would suggest going to a doctor. strongly. it should heal, it sounds like your ear lobe has swelled up with some bruising. i have a slight bump on my earlobe with a hole in the middle lol but its not as erm....bad as yours lol. i would definitely go to a doctor. it could be an infection though. i know i havnt been much help lol...
Reply 3
sounds like it is excessive keloid scar tissue just growing, should go in a week if not go back to claires or w/e you got it done
Reply 4
if not go back to claires or w/e you got it done

Haha, good joke. Don't go to Claires - they'll do more harm than good.
Reply 5
Could always be a cyst in your earlobe. I've had a cyst in my left earlobe for about 3 years now. They should generally shrink on their own, but it's just far too easy to play with it if you're bored. It started off looking a little purple but settled down. How big is it actually, as these things always look and feel bigger when you're judging them yourself I think.
Reply 6
get a your family to say how bad it is then go 2 the DR if you really have to, dont waste his time with crap because your bound to have atleast 20 more infections when u have more piercings.
Reply 7
If it is really painfull and hasn't got better by monday I would advice that you go to the GP as you many have an infection which needs anti-biotics.
My friend had something similar after getting her belly button pierced, but hers went away by itself.
Reply 9
No, I would advise going to your piercer before your doctor! Your piercer will tell you to go to your doctor if that is necessary.

Of course, this advise only stands if you went to a good piercer. If you went to Claire's or anywhere similar then it serves you right.
Reply 10
No, I would advise going to your piercer before your doctor! Your piercer will tell you to go to your doctor if that is necessary.

Of course, this advise only stands if you went to a good piercer. If you went to Claire's or anywhere similar then it serves you right.

Hehehe! Dam straight, you deserve to lose your ear if you were stupid enough to go there!!

They use needle guns for gods sake, so unhygenic. Use a proper needle or nothing at all. :mad:

My eyebrow was done properly and I have never had any trouble with it for the 3 years its been in. My sister has constant problems becuase she went to some place like claire's with her friends to get her ears done.
Reply 11
the only place you use a "gun" to pierce is the ear lobe everything else is a needle. It would suprise me if claires even cleaned the gun weekly, and last time i walked past claires they were pissing about with some anesthetic gel crap, i felt like running in and shouting "its only the lobe!!" godamn it i hate them.
Reply 12
Hehehe! Dam straight, you deserve to lose your ear if you were stupid enough to go there!!

They use needle guns for gods sake, so unhygenic. Use a proper needle or nothing at all. :mad:

My eyebrow was done properly and I have never had any trouble with it for the 3 years its been in. My sister has constant problems becuase she went to some place like claire's with her friends to get her ears done.
Even if you don't know anything about piercing then surely the fact that you have to sit in the window should give you some indication it's not really clean! I've seen little kids with sticky fingers climbing all over the chairs and stuff, and it's not been stopped by the staff (and this was on several occasions at different Claire's)
Reply 13
i go to FELINE TATTOO in Sheffield!!!! wouldn't even dream of going anywhere else for a tattoo/piercing.
Yum Yum nottingham \m/
Reply 15
Chainsaws are useful in these situations.
Reply 16
Yum Yum nottingham \m/
Yum Yum aren't really that great actually
Reply 17
I'd clean it with TCP or something similar and call or visit the piercer and ask for their advice, if they can't help then go to the docs.
I've got the same thing. I've had the lumps for absolutely ages now, even after keeping jewellery out since I first noticed the bumps. I haven't been to a doctor or piercer because I hate fuss! But I think I will soon, as I have had them for absolutely ages and they haven't gone down at all. If they can't do anything about them I'll just have to leave them...they're not sore, so Ill be able to cope!
Reply 19
I'm not getting my ear pierced anymore :frown:

The fake one looked minging, and lessthanthree wouldn't let me :wink: