I am a 27 year old male and about 2 years ago on a day in which I had already masturbated twice I was having sexual intercourse and a small piece of skin on my penis split during it. It was just below the head on the right/front. Unfortunately I have had problems with the area ever since. Now a small portion of the front and right side of the penis just below the head dries up and is often very uncomfortable not only during sex, but even just rubbing against my underwear on a daily basis. It is not an STD as I have been tested and I also went to a skin doctor in Florida and she said it looked like eczema and prescribed me to a steroid cream which also was ineffective. Before that I had tried to dry out the area using a different topical cream that a doctor provided me just incase it was infected from a woman's yeast infection or something of that nature. This was also unsuccessful and probably made it worse. I had no problems in this area up to that point in my life and am starting to get a bit depressed because it bothers me often and hurts my confidence because it effects sexual performance and overall state of mind.
For the past few months I've used a CeraVe moisturizing cream and it sometimes has helped a bit but has far from cured it.
I should add that I am circumsized.
If pictures would help I would be more than happy to send them. I would basically do anything at this point to cure it.
Has anyone had any similar issues? Any doctors advice? Please help!
Coconut oil and jobajoba oil work the best I had something that lasted a month but went away after daily use of coconut oil. No sexual activity or masturbation for at least two weeks.