The Student Room Group

Relationships at NOT long distancers...

I'm kinda confused. I recently started seeing my IMMEDIATE neighbour (ie he shares a wall with me, but he's in the studio flat next door to my 8 bed flat) and I've had mixed reactions. SO many people have said it's not a good idea to be seeing him because I'm at uni and it complicates things with doing assignments etc. He's gone back to Canada for his sister's wedding and Christmas now and won't be back til January, and I miss him already. Am I being naive to think that this can work out?

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Reply 1
Is it a good idea to be giving your address on here or is it fake?

Does this guy study too? if not try and make him understand that your studies come first.
Reply 2
People start dating at uni all the time - and a lot of people find their husband/wife at uni too. What's wrong with it? Why can't you date him?
Reply 3
Nothing wronge with it at all, loads of people I know are dating having meant at uni. what ever stage in your life you are in there are going to be comitments after uni it will be work. My advice is to go for it.
Nothing wrong with it :smile: go for it
Reply 5
I can't see a problem :confused:

Go for it :smile:
I'm kinda confused. I recently started seeing my IMMEDIATE neighbour (ie he shares a wall with me, but he's in the studio flat next door to my 8 bed flat) and I've had mixed reactions. SO many people have said it's not a good idea to be seeing him because I'm at uni and it complicates things with doing assignments etc. He's gone back to Canada for his sister's wedding and Christmas now and won't be back til January, and I miss him already. Am I being naive to think that this can work out?

you are being naive and just go for it :biggrin: if you really like him, and you think you two may have a chance, don't listen to mates :eek: the assignments trick they are trying to give you is just awful, for all they know he could help you in your assignments.......they are just jealous :wink: :biggrin: good luck with the new man :biggrin: :cool: xoxo
Reply 7
I'm kinda confused. I recently started seeing my IMMEDIATE neighbour (ie he shares a wall with me, but he's in the studio flat next door to my 8 bed flat) and I've had mixed reactions. SO many people have said it's not a good idea to be seeing him because I'm at uni and it complicates things with doing assignments etc. He's gone back to Canada for his sister's wedding and Christmas now and won't be back til January, and I miss him already. Am I being naive to think that this can work out?

You are not letting reasons like that stop you if you like him are you?

Why couldn't it work out?

I just don't get what the problem is :confused:
Poison Ivy
Is it a good idea to be giving your address on here or is it fake?

Does this guy study too? if not try and make him understand that your studies come first.

hmm i thought that too having seen a post of the OP a while back - slightly stupid i feel - that is giving out her personal address.
I'll be on the hunt next year anyways.
Reply 10
Yeah I think you should give it a go - why not? If you don't just because of other work commitments then that might always stop you from being with someone.
Reply 11
I'm kinda confused. I recently started seeing my IMMEDIATE neighbour (ie he shares a wall with me, but he's in the studio flat next door to my 8 bed flat) and I've had mixed reactions. SO many people have said it's not a good idea to be seeing him because I'm at uni and it complicates things with doing assignments etc. He's gone back to Canada for his sister's wedding and Christmas now and won't be back til January, and I miss him already. Am I being naive to think that this can work out?

Meh, Ive just got together with my flatmate. A few people said to never do this but you cant help falling for people and its always worth taking the risk. If you never got with your guy purely because people said it might not work you'd forever be wondering what could have been.

I think if you both recognise that you'll need a little bit of space now and again to do assignments and keep up with the uni work you'll do great :smile:
I fell in love with the guy who lived opposite me in halls last year. We thought living so close would pose problems, but it was amazing - we were practically cohabiting, and we get on so well that living together is not a problem. We are still together and this year are living slightly further apart so we can have our own space, but we still sleep together pretty much every night.

BUT we decided right from the beginning that the reason we are both at Uni is to learn, so work always takes priority, and we're both fine with that. You just have to establish your priorities, and there's no reason you shouldn't go out!
Reply 13
Thanks all you guys...I guess the only thing to overcome now is the fact that he's in Canada...but that's only 6weeks. I'm sure that'll be fine. Plenty of time to finish my assignments. Yeah he's at uni too......doing a much heavier-going subject than I do! :biggrin:
Hey. My boyfriend lives 3,000 miles away. We use google messenger to talk for free and Yahoo messenger for webcam. Hotmail is the best, but it is blocked by the universtiy!

I can't tell you if my relationship will work, but if love is strong enough it is at least worth trying.
Reply 15
Kill everybody who disagrees with the relationship.
if you like him why not! my advice- never listen to other peoples opinions on relatioships, if my boyfriend had done this we wudnt be together now 3 n half yrs later! wish my boyfriend was in the room opposite me, im jelous now, only get to see mine every 4 weeks now :frown: i want my old life back lol
I almost share a wall with my boyf, his ceiling is my floor.
off course this can work out. When i was 15 my boyfriend went to spain oct-feb. I thought it wouldnt work but he came back and it was just like normal. Sharing a wall does not mean it will ruin your life. You just need to realise that uni work should come first!!
Reply 19
I almost share a wall with my boyf, his ceiling is my floor.

No way you could install some kind of rope-ladder out of the window?