this week i found out i am pregnant. My boyfriend is in london at the mo. Last time i found out i was pregnant he was with me. How can i tell him. I have no idea how to?
When is he coming back? If he's not coming back soon you're just going to have to tell it to him on the phone. Just say somthing like "There's something I need to tell you that I found out this week... I'm pregnant again." How did he react the first time and what did you decide to do?
None of my business but what method of contraception do you use since you've already got pregnant twice?
well he must've stood by you the first time so i reckon he'd do the same again... what do you want to do about it? i think you should if its within the next week or so tell him in person preferably but if he's gone for ages over phone when you can get him in a quiet moment... it's not like its just your fault so you shouldn't feel "to blame" as such.
It's not solving the problem you requested help with, but it's some interesting advice you might like to follow all the same. If you don't want a baby, stop getting pregnant.
Well, if you've been pregnant before, he'll not be totally shocked. Are you wanting to keep the baby? Just phone him up and tell him to come home- he's gotta know
And if u dont like bein pregnant, stop havin unprotectd sex!
yes i have a kid and i will juts go with the flow. THanks for al;l the help. And i didnt use any contreception!!!!
If you haven't been using contraception then having a baby shouldn't really come as a surprise to him. If the baby is wanted then why do you find it hard to tell him about it?
i want to keep the baby and last time we were only 16 so we had to stay together. i will go with the flow. i will tell hima s i know it is so important. I want the baby. And last time we used the contreception but it did not work. So what if i used to go to a catholic school, it doesnt mean i believe inb all that stuf. I go to church and believe in god but that is it. We have been together for 6 years so you could say i have been married!!!!
If you haven't been using contraception then having a baby shouldn't really come as a surprise to him. If the baby is wanted then why do you find it hard to tell him about it?
last time? just send him sms, we are in truoble..unless this is a trouble for you, if not, thenwrite I have great news =) then he will ask what and you will tell him evrth =)