The Student Room Group

What do i do next? Help

Ok, i'm really not used to being single (in teh past 3 years i only have been for about a total of 5 months) Anyway went out last night, with my friends but also the guy i really fancy. Things went well, we kinda kissed a few times..but now i don't know what to do/how to act. I assume i take this as a good sign, but how do i go about seeing him again (i have his was cold..told me it was ok to keep it i have to see him again to give him it back). and we talk a lot on msn and text eah other.. :confused:
sorry i just feel very out of practice and feeling nervous! advice would be apriciated
well it sounds like everything's going fine so far so you can't be doing much wrong! just continue to be friendly etc with him maybe not too over keen but continue the flirting etc and text/msn him saying you have his jacket and does he want to collect it/for you to bring it over or similar... good luck:smile:
Reply 2
Say "I'll give you jacket back over some coffee!"

Instant date. Could be awkward though if u've already kissed tho. Oh I dont know.
Reply 3
get it on because things seem to be going well with him xxx
Reply 4
Grrrrrr Emo kids
Reply 5
(i have his was cold..told me it was ok to keep it i have to see him again to give him it back). and we talk a lot on msn and text eah other..

thats a sign to say that as it gave you his coat he will have to see you again to get it back otherwise he wouldn;t have let you keep it on!!
bless just suggest going for a drink or something!! sounds good bless ya