The Student Room Group
Reply 1
How are you supposed to answer that question without 1) being cliched or 2) a pretentious git? People constantly tell me this is a question that will be asked, and although i come out with an answer in the end it's a bit of a lame gabble. Of course it's a personal thing but anyone have any idea how they would approach it?

Really?! :eek: I've never heard of tutors asking it.

And students only when they mean "would a microwave be allowed?" or some such. :rolleyes:
Reply 2
Wait a min, maybe i've not made it clear when i say what can you bring i mean it in the sense what contribution can you make, ie why would the university be better off with than without you.
Reply 3
I understood the question well enough - the second line was facetious.

It is the case though that I've never heard of tutors asking that, at Oxford at least. It sounds the sort of question that would yield a prepped answer. I'm not saying that tutors won't be interested in finding out the answer to the question but they're liable to be subtler in determining it.
Reply 4
I Think they would only ask that sort of question if they thought you couldn't handle abything harder! :biggrin:
Reply 5
I agree with you i didn't think they would ask it either, it really isn't very subtle.
I wouldn't be able to go into that question without being very tempted to give a facetious answer like Neopolitan.

'The only thing I can bring is myself'

Oh dear lol
Reply 7
I wouldn't be able to go into that question without being very tempted to give a facetious answer like Neopolitan.

'The only thing I can bring is myself'

Oh dear lol

If I'd really be going for facetious I might have come out with:-

"I have a hamster (?)",

made an uncertain smile, and hoped to be pooled to another college. :biggrin:

"I have a hamster (?)",

I have a couple of cats, but no I still stand a chance of getting in?
Reply 9
I have a couple of cats, but no I still stand a chance of getting in?

This surely warrants analysis in a new thread:- "I have two cats, but no hamster, which Oxbridge college should I apply to? My career adviser tells me Peterhouse tutors favour gerbils!"


then chalk it up as Oxbridge myth googol plus one. :rolleyes:
hehe :p: ....I wouldn't want to go to a Dog College or a Parrot a Bunny College is something I could really go for

New Thread

'What animal is your College? '
How are you supposed to answer that question without 1) being cliche or 2)a pretentious git? People constantly tell me this is a question that will be asked, and although i come out with an answer in the end it's a bit of a lame gabble. Of course it's a personal thing but anyone have any idea how they would approach it?

That's the sort of question you'd be asked in a Harvard interview, not an Oxbridge one. Certainly you wouldn't be asked it at Oxford, not in a million years.
Reply 12
Isaiah Berlin
That's the sort of question you'd be asked in a Harvard interview, not an Oxbridge one. Certainly you wouldn't be asked it at Oxford, not in a million years.

Good that's reassuring :smile:
If I was asked, I'd probably be straight and say, 'Absolutely nothing'.
Reply 14
"What can you bring to the College?"

"Well, think of me as a long term investment. In a couple of years, I'm going to attempt to break the world record for having a ping-pong ball balanced on my head"

*Is worried about his habit of giving reflex answers*
yeh i've been warned about this question too- but i did think, isn't the purpose of the interview to find out what you would bring?
what about the also much expected 'why this subject, why this university?' are they actually asked or are they also the questions that everyone is expecting but nobody gets asked?
Reply 16
Well, my parents are very rich and enjoy donating money to bursary funds and the like.
Well, my parents are very rich and enjoy donating money to bursary funds and the like.

We can close this thread now, that's the perfect answer :smile: