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I used paroxyl 2.5 gel. what would you like to know?
Reply 2
I used paroxyl 2.5 gel. what would you like to know?

Presumably he'd like to know whether it's any good.

What are these products, are they only for serious acne, like on prescription or what? Also I've been thinking of trying freederm, does anyone know much about that?
Reply 3
Yeah, I would like to know how effective you found it, and yes I do have this on prescription.
I ended up going to the doctor's, and to be honest I expected him to say 'wash more, eat healthily and drink more water' (I do!). But I found him to be quite helpful and he offered me these treatments, saying that he would refer me to a dermatologist if he felt that they weren't doing enough.
I believe that these treatment are generally for people whose acne is pretty bad, though they don't have terribly significant side effects.
I'm sorry I can't help you concerning information on Freederm.
Reply 4
My problem is I can't work out whether mine is serious. Half the reason my spots look so bad is because I can't resist picking at them (sick i know), but I reckon even if I didn't they'd still look bad. I might go to my doctor next week, I hope he's as generous as your one was, but then mine might not be as bad as yours, dunno really.
Reply 5
This seems to be quite a good site for that sort of thing--->Acne advice

I think they recommend benzyl peroxide as number 1 treatment in terms of effectiveness.
Reply 6
I have acne scarring, which it seemed was the reason that he was so helpful. But even if this is not true of you, you should still press your doctor to give you something for your skin, as the prevention of it getting to a stage of scarring, or just spreading, will no doubt benefit you immensely. Basically, as I'm sure you well know, stopping it early is by far the best thing to do.
As you can probably tell from this, I regret not going to my doctor earlier, and I feel that had I have done, I could be sitting here with clear/er skin.

One of my friends, whose skin isn't as bad as mine, went to the doctors, and he was given an antibacterial wash, which has made vast improvements to his acne. I don't know, but this may be the case for you.
one word dianette!unfortunatly only good if your a girl cus its a pill! worked a treat for me after all else failed. go to the doctors tho, he will be helpful, he sees this most days probebly. if the treatment isnt working DO go back cus he will find you somethin else.
Reply 8
Freederm is an absolute con! I used it for three weeks straight and it made my spots considerably worse. I recommend that everyone steer clear of this especially considering it is about £9 a tube :eek:
Reply 9
Right, I had serious acne when I was 13 (ish) and used Minocin for at least a year. I suppose it depends on the severity of the acne, but I felt that it had limited effects, It helped reduece acne, but not overwhelmingly so. IFor a girl, the best option IMO is to go on the pill as it helps with hormone regulation. However, for a guy, it may well be your best bet.


I have acne scarring, which it seemed was the reason that he was so helpful. But even if this is not true of you, you should still press your doctor to give you something for your skin, as the prevention of it getting to a stage of scarring, or just spreading, will no doubt benefit you immensely. Basically, as I'm sure you well know, stopping it early is by far the best thing to do.
As you can probably tell from this, I regret not going to my doctor earlier, and I feel that had I have done, I could be sitting here with clear/er skin.

One of my friends, whose skin isn't as bad as mine, went to the doctors, and he was given an antibacterial wash, which has made vast improvements to his acne. I don't know, but this may be the case for you.

For acne scarring, an ecellent cream is called helped me no end...I'm not sure if you get it here in the UK, ask your GP. It works miracles.
Reply 10
It is hard to give advice as to the effectiveness of any given acne treatment as it very much depends on the person and the severity of their acne. You really should see your doctor as they can assess your acne and try out a few different treatments to see what works best for you. Unfortunately, as yet, there isn't a miracle drug for acne; even roaccutane, which is usually used as a last resort, doesn't work for everybody.
If you can, always try to get seen by a dermatologist more than a GP, they know a bit more about skin problems than your own doctor so ask if you could be referred if you are unsure :smile: - its quite off topic sorry but I wanted to add a little input of my own :smile: xoxo
ok...aside from the antibiotics you need a good routine for washing your skin

do it in the morning and evening.,.no more because the gels will dry out your skin...

so wash it with warm vigerous rubbing
pat dry with a CLEAN towl...keep changing it..or rotating the you get a clean patch everyday

when its still slightly damp...rub in some non oily mousturiser...neutrogena 'visably clear' is the best iv come across...the clean and clear one is **** so dont bother...icant emphasise the need for mousturiser enough...if you let your skin stay dry it will produce more oil to make up for it and things get worse....TAKE NOTE!!..and its expensive but use it sparingly and its worth it

allow that to soak in for a while and then apply the gel...NB. very important that you DONT pile it makes the spots no better...often worse instead and makes your skin dry and literally..when it says a peas size blob..use a pea size blob....(it took me years to figure out this was the best way)....and rub that in gently to the're not mean to plaster your face..just give it a thin film thats easily absorbed...

also while your doing this routine make a point to drink LOTS of water consistently throughout the day..carry a bottle with you...and maybe about four hours after taking your antibiotic take a zinc tablet or eat some zinc rich foods...look at the instruction booklet for how zinc will react with the drug

anyway...i think i used that antibitoc to start some of the others was...ok but i got changed to another one which worked better...i think more important is learning how to care fr your skin (which took a bit of figuiring out for me)and NOT PICKING....otherwise you spread bacteria from area to area and your spots will never go

MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU...acne is a you mine wasnt so bad..just regular and could get pretty upsetting at times

The taste isn't bad, but i've got no time for the texture myself.
Reply 14
I was on Minocin for 18 months and it did very little, at most hold it at a certain level and not increase in severity. However my acne was pretty bad at times and I went on roaccutane to actually tackle it in the end.

tbh best advice, speak to a doctor aboiut the treatments available,
Reply 15
I use PANoxyl. I think it's pretty much the same stuff? It's quite good, but I'm also on Dianette (contraceptive pill) which is used for the treatment of acne...

The Panoxyl stuff makes your skin quite dry for the first few weeks, but then your skin gets used to it and settles down. It really drys up existing spots and helps prevent new ones forming, bear in mind it'll take a month or two to get working properly...or untill you notice a change. This is probably because it has to clear up all the existing spots first. Just stick at it I guess :smile: Drinking about 1.5 Litres of water a day supposedly helps and eating lots of fruit and veg.
Katie x
Reply 16
It depends on individuals Paroxyl 2.5 gel may never help you or may be excellent or may have some benefit !

You need to try it these treatments may or may not work and also depends on the acne severity ! Minocin i think is an antibiotic that is regularly given should help !
Cannot be bothered to check all the posts, but Minocin resolved all my problems with spots. It was such a relief too, but I still have faded scars, which still upset me. That gel stuff did not seem to help that much
Reply 18
the gel is best at 5.0, i used it for about a week and got bored, you really need to be presistant with any spot cream you use, otherwise it doesnt work!
Reply 19
I use minocin and i think it helps quite a bit, ive been on them a while, and admittedly i have never stuck to it because im stupid, but when i get a routine going (like now) i notice it helps alot and it gives me a pretty clear face on some days :smile: i used to suffer from terrible acne but its dying down now thankfully, just give it a try and dont expect immediate results it takes a few weeks!