The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
why the hell you going that smart... i wore jeans and a hoodie for my interview, because i had a exam before my interview, so i wasnt exactly going to wear a suit... a word of warning is that you will hate Morrisons and time will drag unless you make some friends... like today had a such a good food fight lol and we constantly have such a good laugh... and erm apply for sundays, otherwise there is no point in working there for peanuts, because its time and a half on sundays...
Reply 2
I think you're doing the right thing dressing like that. I had an interview at Tesco last week and everyone was dressed as smartly as that.

In terms of supermarket interviews, they tend to ask you basic regular stuff, such as what makes a good team, what is good customer service.. etc. Sometimes they put you into an imaginary situation, at Tesco it was that you were doing someones shopping under timed conditions for the online sector, and someone came up to you to ask for help.. but you didn't have time.. what would you say.. etc. You just need to show them that you understand how important the customer is blah.
Reply 3
^no non of that is asked in a morrisons interview... they just go through your application form and discuss your hours...thats mainly it... sophie stop trying to confuse her...
Reply 4
I would have worn my shirt and trousers anyway. Almost everyone I know does it so it seems like a good idea. Its not like we have to wear it like that all the time.

I just want money...
Reply 5
^apply for sundays...
Reply 6
What a waste of time! :mad: :mad:

I went along to the interview today expecting there to be an actual vacancy to be interviewed for.

My hours - Mon - Fri - 4.30pm - Closing time
Weekends - 8am - Closing time

^ Pretty flexible for someone at school, right?

Well - ha - doesn't even seem like the girl is sure there's a flippin' vacancy. 'Oh, I'm gonna' try and see if this particular shift has changed...'


Why did they invite me to an interview when it seems most likely that I'm just gonna' get put back on file (*cough*andforgottenabout*cough)

Do people actually get called to work when they've been put on file. I'm really annoyed. They seriously got my hopes up and made me travel for no reason.

The interview process wasn't even a real interview. She just went over my application form.

Bloody stupid. I'm not waiting till they get back to me. I'm applying to somewhere they won't muck me about. :mad:
Reply 7
^ im sure i told you that they'd just go through your application... when you said ''mon - fri'', did you mean monday to friday, or just monday and friday... i work saturday 1pm till 9pm, sunday 8am till 7pm and monday 2pm till 10pm... i get £160 for 3 days work a week which isnt bad at all... :wavey:
Reply 8
Yeah, someone did. No, they knew very well it was Monday to Friday.

I'm really angry 'cause my hopes got built up have way through the interview when she said - 'Lets see what shifts are available'...

Stupid woman.
Reply 9
some of the staff at morrisons, such as the managers are soooo arrogant... make a complaint to the head office... send them a email... iv already had an argument with my department manager, so he said that id better shut up or he'd send me i told the store manager and he said not to take any notice because he doesnt have that much authority to do anything... im only there for the good-ish money and to have a laugh and couldnt care what the staff think...
Reply 10
Yep i work at morrisons and the managers have all a personality bypass, complete t***ers
^what days and hours do you work?


^oh yeah whats your store number? mines 10...
Reply 12
Funny, though... She seemed fairly nice apart from the way she structures interviews..

Anyway, there's another Tescos nearby. I'll try that!
yeah i guess tesco's is better... if only there was one near me...but i dont mind Morrisons...
Run away from morrisons while you have the chance. I only work there on a sunday and it's still torture.
i dont mind working there... easy money i guess... what department are you on anyway ^?
home and leisure
cool im on fresh foods... i get £7.74 an hour on sundays... im guessing your under 18 so you'll get less
Masta Killa
cool im on fresh foods... i get £7.74 an hour on sundays... im guessing your under 18 so you'll get less

Yep i get less than that. But i'm happy with it. Fresh is for girls. :biggrin:
naaaaaaaaaah fresh is good...except for the department manager who's a tw@t, but lemme ask you something... have you ever stolen food from work :redface: