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Reply 2
Reply 3
I don't think it's funny to be honest.

(Although the title of the thread is!) :p:
I saw that on the news last night. It's disgusting...some people are just sick in the head.
eeek :eek: thats disgusting
Reply 6
Reply 7

:eek: thats awful!!! not funny at all
Reply 8
I'm not entirely comforted by the fact that these scumbags are supposed to potentially protect my country! :rolleyes:
Reply 9
Lol, was just reading this article. I don't understand iniation ceromonies, I mean what is worth that humilitation?
In a way, matter like this make me feel slightly more secure in this country if that makes any sense.

The one thing I don't approve of is making people feel small. If thats what their doing, its disgusting. If their doing for a laugh, its just their idea of playing about. Wierd it may be, but these are the Marines. The fact they can mentally accept these type of challenges makes me think they are not exactly a soppy bunch of lads.
Reply 11
From the very limited information avaliable, i can't see a problem at the moment...

Uni sports initiation ceremonies can be 'nasty' enough, to onlookers, so given this is the army (well, navy), how the hell are we supposed to know whats happening? Especially as it's being reported by the BBC.

At a few parties i've been to, any marines/army ppl there nearly always end up butt naked and usually turned up in drag to begin with. By 99.99% need not apply, it means that the vast majority of us are not built to go through their training, neither physically or especially mentally. They're forces (so already 'different' from us), and marines, so an even smaller subset of that. If it's their initiation ceremony (and i'm pretty sure they're common in certain 'clubs'/groups etc of people) let them be. Chances are they were aware something like this would happen....and from a few ppl I know in the army/marines, i'm pretty sure they'd be fine with it. But...

If it got out of hand and one was kicked unconscious (maybe prompting the submission of the video a more 'moral' participant), then that needs to be dealt with.
Bloody hell, my brother was a member of 42 Commando for seven years.

I'll have to ask him about that...
Im laughing because the 42's are f**king hardcore. Ok, so they might do some wacky initiation ceremonies, but ultimately when it comes to doing what they're there for, aka shooting people without getting shot, there's very few in the world that are better than them (there are generally 3 groups of military - you're typical inf, you're proper spec forces and then your in betweenies. We have the army, S.A.S/S.B.S etc/ and BRM's respectively, the US have Army/USMC's, Delta, S.E.A.L's respectively) so who cares?

The reason i laughed was at the picture of a bunch of naked guys wrestling at the command of a surgeon and male schoolgirl. It's funny!
I have to agree with DanGrover on that. If my brother is any examplre, the 42's are a collection of the toughest sods in Britain.
Reply 15
This is going to be great for recruitment advertising...

yes come join the marines, only those willing to wrestle naked need apply

or something like that.

Like the TA adverts recently "come with us and experience the world" or something siimilar, I was pissing myself, summer holiday in Iraq anyone lol
Reply 16
Yeah!!! Just what we need to strike terror into the hearts of our enemies!! "shiiiiiii.t the marines are comming everybody runnnnn!!!" "hey remember when we saw the video of them fighting naked and getting knocked out!!" "ahahahahahahaha"

Still i can't stop laughing at those 2 in a surgeons outfit and schoolgirl outfit.
I spent yesterday at RM Condor in Arbroath, Scotland trying out marines stuff and I am very impressed with them. I've been to worse initiations than a naked braul with welltrained soldiers. Don't be fussed!
These men are the bees knees of us and they are the best force in the world. Don't knock them down, they have saved YOUR life time and time again.
Well said, bloody well said!
Reply 19
well said. they're hard enough to take care of themselves. i think they'd consider it a bit of an insult to have some useless tosser of a jobsworth from the government nosing around making sure they're all nice, playful and polite to one another.