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Dentistry Rejections!!

i got a letter a week and a half ago telling me i had been rejected from b'ham for dentistry, n i just chekd ucas trak now n find that Cardiff have rejected me for dentistry2! feel well gutted my other choices are kings college and queen marys, but i feel if Cardiff and b'ham have rejected me there's no hope left for the two rite?

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Reply 1
i got rejected from cardiff too.

what were ur AS grades?
Reply 2
not true.
cardiff and b'ham are meant to be two of the hardest to get into. cardiff, as probabaly everyone from northern ireland wanting to do dentsitry apply there, and b'hma are very picky on thier GCSE grades. Don't worry too much just yet.
Reply 3
i got 2A's n 2 B's .... but i thort Kings college wood b the hardest considering its the top uni for dentistry....
Reply 4
i got 2A's n 2 B's .... but i thort Kings college wood b the hardest considering its the top uni for dentistry....

yea kings is difficult to get.

i applied for kings, as well.
Reply 5
I personally think, GCSE's are more important. They are the last official qualification you have. AS's can be changed by resits. how were your GCSE's?
And grades are not all that matters. yes, they need to be decent, but your PS has to good too, with work experince and extra curricular thing in there.
Reply 6
w8wizz wt did u get at AS n wt were ure other 2uni choices?


my GCSE's all met the minimum requirements and my PS had all things in that it shud have... i think :confused:
Reply 7
w8wizz wt did u get at AS n wt were ure other 2uni choices?

AS: chem A, biology A, maths B, sports C.
GCSE: history+maths+sports A*, double science AA, french B, literature+laguage+geo C.

other 2: dundee and newcastle(conditional AAB)
Reply 8
you still have a chance, may be at Barts.

you applied to all the difficult unis.
the difficult ones are probable cardiff, b-ham, bristol, any london uni, Q-belfast, and dundee.

the easier ones are liverpool, sheffield, manchester and N-castle(still very competitive tho).
Reply 9
i got a letter a week and a half ago telling me i had been rejected from b'ham for dentistry, n i just chekd ucas trak now n find that Cardiff have rejected me for dentistry2! feel well gutted my other choices are kings college and queen marys, but i feel if Cardiff and b'ham have rejected me there's no hope left for the two rite?

unlucky Sukh :frown: but dont give up!!! im sure youll get in somewhere else :wink:

dentistry has been ultra competitive this year though. 5 people from my school have been rejected at their 1st interview already - 2 from bham, 2 from sheffield, and 1 at liverpool. and i go to one of the best schools in the uk!!! i know for a fact that these 5 people got really good as levels so the rejections are probably mainly based on gcses and interview.

well good luck to all you dentists!!!!
Reply 10
my friend got an offer from bham dentistry with ABBC at AS!
dont worry. it only takes one offer, and just cos bham and cardiff rejected you it doesnt mean other places will, its very rare to get four offers
chin up :biggrin:
Reply 11
Hardly anyone gets all 4 offers for med,dent or vet.

It only takes one offer which is, incidently, exactly what most current students would have held when they applied...
Reply 12
c the thing that sucks the most is ive been rejected without interviews!
Reply 13
I know how you feel!!!!! :frown: :frown: :frown: I wanted an interview at least..........
Reply 14
and i go to one of the best schools in the uk

u r from bham. which school do u go 2? i liv in bham
Reply 15
cardiff, as probabaly everyone from northern ireland wanting to do dentsitry apply there,

y would every1 from N.Ireland apply to Cardiff? :confused:
Reply 16
u r from bham. which school do u go 2? i liv in bham

me toooooooo and i go to one of the best schools academically as well, where do you go Elektrafy and pajits?
Reply 17
me toooooooo and i go to one of the best schools academically as well, where do you go Elektrafy and pajits?

I go to King Edward VI Camp Hill Boys :biggrin: - ring any bells? how bout you?
Reply 18
king edwards v1 high school for girls
yep rings bells ,lol i have loads of friends at the girls school
Reply 19
I got rejected from Cardiff but oh well still 3 choices left.

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