The Student Room Group

i dont understand my "friend"

OK so for the past like 2years iv had this problem with sum1 who is supposed 2 b a close mate

Firstly, I am quite certain she steals from me. Basically weneva she comes rnd money goes out of my purse. For example, i was sat in a rm with her an had £5 on the table, i went 2 get sumin but wen i went back it werent ther. she has also taken my bag, at first i thort i was bein paranoid but then i saw her with it in town. Overall shes taken about £160 and my bag n bracelet. i confronted her about it a while ago an she sed that her boyf got her the bag for london recently (even tho i bort it bout a yr ago so it wudnt have bin in the shops) and then she sed that she thort i was takin muny from her as well!!!!!!! i told my frend about it who ria also takes stuf from an ria tld her that she tinks i steal frm her!

Secondly, i think she lies about her friends. she used 2 say that she was in wiv da rly popular grp of boys at skl but i have neva seen her speak to them. she makes out she went out with this guy for like 5yrs an yet i neva saw them 2geva. eventuall y i started 2 tlk 2 this group of boys an things shed sed about them werent tru an i catch her out loads

Thirdly, she enerally aint nice 2 me. for e.g. i got the best gcse grades in my yr an she didnt even say wel dun. i dont think she ever rly complemented me eitha

wot shud i do? i no i shudnt b m8s wiv her but she has a hold on me!!!!

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best gcse results with that language? Wow the standards must be fascinatingly high in your school... :rolleyes:
Reply 2
you know what you should do...
Reply 3
I would guess you go to a state school (or a really really posh public school, it's one of those two when you type like that). Either way, it's probably quite large and you shouldn't have any trouble ignoring her and avoiding her. Just break it off.
Talk to her - have an honest conversation about everything you just told us - if she's really your mate, she'll apologise and hopefully give you an explanation. I can't explain about the money and bag, which you say she's been taking from you, but maybe the other things are a cry for attention? Maybe there's an underlying problem you can try and dig out of her...

If not, or if she still denies it, she probably isn't a good person to be around, try and spend more time with other mates as well who you can trust.
Reply 5
y do i sound lyk i go 2 private school?! i go 2 a public school. ive tried to tlk 2 her about it but she jus says that she thought i was stealing from her and she says she cant believe i would say wot iv said coz wev known each other since we were like 2.
i jus dont get her, wheneva i tlk 2 her on the fone she always goes on about her life an how amazin it is an if i say anything she goes all silent- like awkard silence.
i dont get it! i thort maybe it was coz recently my mums got into a bit of muny so she thinks im rich - i aint always bin tho an she knows that. then i hate sayin this but i thort she myt be jealsous of me, a lot of my nu friends say its coz im way prettier than her but thats not a reason 2 do wot she does
i cant keep avoidin her texts forever!


i do go 2 stage skl tho at wkends!!
Put a fiver under a box proped up with a stick and when she goes to get the fiver, pull the stick away. She will then be trapped in the box and you can charge people 10p a kick. Repeat until she has paid off her debt.
Reply 7
like that idea but think its guna take a lot of 10ps to get all my muny bak!!
Reply 8
Ah, but some people are generally difficult - she may not listen to you, she might be doing it for attention. She's probably jealous of you, it sounds abit like it. However, you don't seem to want to be friends with her, so just be cool about it, and maybe not talk to her as much etc, just slowly decrease the intensity of your relationship. Unless you want to try and work it out by talking, but i doubt that would change her attitude much
Reply 9
don;t worry about people slating you for using short hand what some people have written!! (i use it to)

and also i have been mates with someone abit like that even though she never stole from me, i was totally stuck up there arse and did everything they said otherwise i got afriad what rumour would start the next day!!

you have do think 'do i want someone like that in my life' or i can be mates with her but i have to put her in her place
personally if it was me i would totally ditch her and make her know what mistakes she has made by lying and stealing ' i wouldn't stand for that' seriously talk to her about it and make sure she gives all the poor excuses!!

you deserve better people in your life otherwise they will just bring you right down all through your life!! but it is up to you, people who are suppose to respect you do not steal, lie and treat people that way!!

get her out of your life, you will thank yourself for it!!
Reply 10
i agree wiv u toiletwall an have tried to decrease the frendship bt i jus find it so awkward wen i c her out. I jus wana no y she does it bt shel neva tell me. anuva thing she does is lie 2 me about stuff i do wen i drunk. she tells me i get wiv loadsa guys bt i dont think id do that. but then i think well i was drunk so how do i no wot iv dun?! she always used 2 make me drink mor than her as well so i wud get wasted


thanks laursy, i jus find it difficult getting rid of ppl who i no r bad 4 me. we dont go 2 skl 2geva anymor so thats 1thing. we changed skls in 6th form
Reply 11
thanks laursy, i jus find it difficult getting rid of ppl who i no r bad 4 me. we dont go 2 skl 2geva anymor so thats 1thing. we changed skls in 6th form

tell her straight out no matter how hard it is i know it is hard, this girl i was mates with started rows with me for going to a different course at college and i said to her look if you don't like it then im afriad i don;t want you in my life (no in so many nice words) in front of all her new mates and he was humiliated and never spoke to me again!!!! only the occasional 'slag' shouted across the canteen!!
its hard but you have to do it for you so you can get the people who deserve you in your life!!
Reply 12
i cnt ndrstnd a wrd ur syn bd. try ptn sm mor vwls n
Reply 13
just ignore here , ihad amean mate an ijust prek it off and i'm know really happy with my new mates , they are relly like me , and have the same idea of mine

u know it's all about understanding each other if thire is not such a thing u can't keep going on with any relationship in this world trust me
Seriously read that first message and imagine Vicky Pollard saying it, I dare you not to laugh, dare you! lol
Right, for the love of all that is holy, put proper words in your posts! if you want people to give you advice, it generally helps if we can understand what on earth you're trying to say! Seriously, I know it's not that hard. Look, I've just managed a whole heap of sentances without really trying!

Write a job application using that kind of writing - see how far you get.

Anyway. To the point.

Is she really a mate of yours if she's stealing from you? you need to talk to her directly, straight to the point - "Look, not being funny, but I've noticed that every time you come round my house, things of mine go missing, is it just a coincidence?" See what she says. Generally people can't look you in the eyes if they're lying to you.

Also, maybe the 'hanging out with the popular kids' thing was just an attempt to make herself look cooler. Maybe she has self esteem issues that you could help her with?

Lastly, perhaps she was jealous of your GCSE results and that's why she didn't even say well done?

Overal, seriously just have a word with her. If you're still not happy after that, then just say to her "I'm sorry, I can't be friends with someone that I don't trust" and move on with your life. You can ignore her texts, just delete them as you get them.

Good luck.
This girl is not your friend. Stealing is below the belt :smile:
Reply 17
Put a fiver under a box proped up with a stick and when she goes to get the fiver, pull the stick away. She will then be trapped in the box and you can charge people 10p a kick. Repeat until she has paid off her debt.

During my fit of hysteria as a result of the above, I fell onto my bed and bashed my head on my bedpost. It's a possible black-eye situation. But still, I wouldn't have changed it for the world and despite the pain I am still giggling like a schoolgirl.
Reply 18
OK so for the past like 2years iv had this problem with sum1 who is supposed 2 b a close mate

Firstly, I am quite certain she steals from me. Basically weneva she comes rnd money goes out of my purse. For example, i was sat in a rm with her an had £5 on the table, i went 2 get sumin but wen i went back it werent ther. she has also taken my bag, at first i thort i was bein paranoid but then i saw her with it in town. Overall shes taken about £160 and my bag n bracelet. i confronted her about it a while ago an she sed that her boyf got her the bag for london recently (even tho i bort it bout a yr ago so it wudnt have bin in the shops) and then she sed that she thort i was takin muny from her as well!!!!!!! i told my frend about it who ria also takes stuf from an ria tld her that she tinks i steal frm her!

Secondly, i think she lies about her friends. she used 2 say that she was in wiv da rly popular grp of boys at skl but i have neva seen her speak to them. she makes out she went out with this guy for like 5yrs an yet i neva saw them 2geva. eventuall y i started 2 tlk 2 this group of boys an things shed sed about them werent tru an i catch her out loads

Thirdly, she enerally aint nice 2 me. for e.g. i got the best gcse grades in my yr an she didnt even say wel dun. i dont think she ever rly complemented me eitha

wot shud i do? i no i shudnt b m8s wiv her but she has a hold on me!!!!

Perhaps she has problems, if she feels the need to steal from people and lie about who shes friends with
Reply 19
y do i sound lyk i go 2 private school?! i go 2 a public school. ive tried to tlk 2 her about it but she jus says that she thought i was stealing from her and she says she cant believe i would say wot iv said coz wev known each other since we were like 2.
i jus dont get her, wheneva i tlk 2 her on the fone she always goes on about her life an how amazin it is an if i say anything she goes all silent- like awkard silence.
i dont get it! i thort maybe it was coz recently my mums got into a bit of muny so she thinks im rich - i aint always bin tho an she knows that. then i hate sayin this but i thort she myt be jealsous of me, a lot of my nu friends say its coz im way prettier than her but thats not a reason 2 do wot she does
i cant keep avoidin her texts forever!


i do go 2 stage skl tho at wkends!!

You are about to suffer a long painful death from a masked intruder known as 'Grammar Man'. LEARN TO TYPE YOU DUMBASS KID!
Also - murder is a good option. Do it before I come and kill you.