The Student Room Group
Not eating properly?
Not drinking enough?
Reply 2
Im eating properly...ive got an insatiable thirst at the moment - i only notice it because im not usually much of a drinker..but its waking me up in the night at the moment..
im no more tired than usual..dont think anaemic either
Reply 3
cud be cos ya have low blood pressure...due to anaemia......dehydration. go an c ya gp n get checked out x
Is it, and i'll only ask this once, Cannabis Resin?
Reply 5
aye..will do. seem to be in doctors office every week...feeling like a hyperchondriac now...


hahaha no @ woodsy
Sometimes if your eyesight is strained you can get dizzy spells from that. Have you had your eyes checked recently?

Also 2nd the advice to go to the doctor. If not just about the dizzy spells, but also the thirst that you've got - though the two may be related.
Reply 7
yeah eyes checked recently..have worn contacts for years...think they're fine..
Im eating properly...ive got an insatiable thirst at the moment - i only notice it because im not usually much of a drinker..but its waking me up in the night at the moment..
im no more tired than usual..dont think anaemic either

Diabetes maybe.Go to Lloyd's Pharmacy,they offer free testing.
Reply 9
oki cheers x
I frequently went dizzy last year, on account of growing 8 inches in a few months, or something completely stupid like that. :rolleyes:
Reply 11
I was getting regular dizzy spells recently (well, still am). Have been for the last few months. I went to the doctor to get it checked, and like always she had a two second look, asked me a couple of questioned and conjured a diagnosis out of the air (I'm sure she makes these things up). She said it was a virus of the balance organs in my ears and the only way to cure it was to cut down on salt and more vitamin C. I've been doing that, still no improvement, so if your doc recommends that...!
Reply 12
hahaha wtf
Reply 13
i thought you were a dr in training??