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Reply 1
think it counts at least 40%... that's what past applicants said... (but again they blamed the fact that they don't have a test as the reason why they didn't get in...:p:)
Reply 2
think it counts at least 40%... that's what past applicants said... (but again they blamed the fact that they don't have a test as the reason why they didn't get in...:p:)

do all the applicants take it or can you get in without taking?
Reply 3
i think all PPE/E+M applicants hv to take it upon arival...hence they don't want you late cos they set everyone at the same time (because that eliminates "cheating")
Reply 4
What exam?? Can anybody give us a link to anything referring to it?
Reply 5
You have to take it. 40% seems to have been plucked out of the air. It's pretty difficult but I don't think it's that obscure.
Reply 6
ur right, it has been randomly invented by me...i was gonna say 50:50, but thought the interview beared more weight~:biggrin:
Reply 7
I don't know how important it is exactly, but personally I think it does bear significant weightage on your application. The test will reveal (to some degree) your aptitude for the course.
Reply 8
I really like the test format. But I don't trust the "give 20 mins to each section" bit. On all the past papers I've seen I've completed the maths/logic section in about 10. So I'm going to do that first and then the comprehension. Still don't really understand what we're supposed to do for the second part. I get the basic jist, but surely there's more to it than defining words and evaluating their order of strength?
Reply 9
Are we allowed to take dictionaries and/or calculators in?
Reply 10
I doubt dictionaries but calculators possibly. Though, on all the past papers that have been posted here, the maths calculations are quite basic. Fingers crossed, though.
Reply 11
Calculators were allowed last year.

and remember, the written test is only part and the interview is only part - the application/written work still counts for quite a bit!
Reply 12
did you guys take the test during the interview or afterwards, cause i didnt take it during the interview
Reply 13
for e+m you take it upon arival, not sure aboutt ppe...

(and my written work is appalling! I cringe when i read it!)
Reply 14
9.15am, Monday December 5th is the date and time of this year's test, so before interviews.
Reply 15
I personally think that the exam is the least important stage in the whole selections process. The interview is the key stage that will determine whether they want you on board for the next three years or not.
Reply 16
No, you're wrong. My feedback pretty much said the exam was what got me in.
Reply 17
No, you're wrong. My feedback pretty much said the exam was what got me in.

Yeah, I guess it'd be hard to say how important a certain criterion is in determining your entry into the university. Someone who put up a mindblowing performance during the interview, yet had dismal results for the written test, might still be admitted alongside someone with an average performance during the interview and spectacular results for his/her test. :smile:
RxB, is it possible that others received feedback which said the interview was what got them in, though?

As you can tell, I am feeling rather nervous about the exam. :redface: :frown:
Reply 19
Yes, absolutely. I'm getting at the fact that there's no ranking of interview, GCSE grades, exam etc - if you ace one (well, probably not the GCSE grades, realistically) then that's probably enough. I just think it's silly to say "the exam is always less important than the interview"

sanjiv is basically right