The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
You broke one promise twice.
And yes, he's an idiot, you're in the right.
Reply 2
Why on earth would he not allow you to drink unless it was free?? Thats so random!
Reply 3
You should have dumped him for trying to control you and make you make promises!!!!!!

Its just a shame you didnt beat him to it!!

Go out, have a few glasses of wine and have fun with your mates, you deserve it after enduring any period of time with that loser!!! :cool:
Reply 4
Get well pasted and give him an earfull of abuse over the phone lol.
Reply 5
see i was right.....well i did neway. went out fri night got absolutely wasted n came out LOL
Reply 6
oh dear lord
Reply 7
oh dear god wat??????
Reply 8
its the drinking to get pissed culture of today, then you have a bf complain hes dumped you then decide your a lesbien anyway! are you 16?


and no wonder he wanted you to cut down drinking if you have that attitude to alcohol
If he wanted you to cut down for health reasons, he would have told you to cut down whether it was free or not, therefore his demand made no sense. He has no right to get you to make those promises and you shouldn't have agreed to them in the first place.
Reply 10
its the drinking to get pissed culture of today, then you have a bf complain hes dumped you then decide your a lesbien anyway! are you 16?


and no wonder he wanted you to cut down drinking if you have that attitude to alcohol

actually im 17.

n i only got pissed cos my mate gave me a glass of "coke" which actually had 5 shots vodka 4 shots whisky 1 shot bacardi on top of everything id had previously. i dint mean to get pissed. only drinking cos was mates 18 n i dont usually drink to that kinda excess....

n im not a lesbien....
im a BT
Reply 11
right and you couldnt taste the alchohol? and your drinking illegally anyway :rolleyes:
The chap sounds like an idiot. Give him a kick in the hangers and go for a drink with your mates.
Reply 13
no its the "I GOT REALLY REALLY PISSED WOOOOOOO LOOK AT ME IM BI SEXUAL BECASUE IM PISSED IM OUT TO GET PISSED WOOOOOOOO"!!!!!!1111ELEVEN" Attitude drinking for the sake of getting pissed not socially.
Good question...
Reply 15
right and you couldnt taste the alchohol? and your drinking illegally anyway :rolleyes:

actually i could taste it but thought that was cos id just had some. n im not being all flamboyant about it like ur making out - just someone said i shud get p!ssd n i said actually i did - n i dont think it did me ne good.
give me a break trigger!!!!
Reply 16
Trigger's the kind of person who lives in a little place in her head and hums to herself.
Trigger's the kind of person who lives in a little place in her head and hums to herself.


Why do you have a grudge with half of TSR, trigger? Serious question, that.
Reply 18
i dont at all :confused:
Well, you don't seem to like riot_girl very much. You don't like Beekeeper. And you really don't like Juno.

Like, why?