The Student Room Group

Ankle:Any advice on how to help with pain till i can get to casulty

Hi, i recently injured my ankle whilst walking on a DOE expedition, i did it on sunday, i cant get to casulty until tomorrow evening and i was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to help me survive the endless flights of stairs at school, i cant miss it due to exams etc, i dont know what i have done to my ankle, its very sore and bruised around the ankle bone and slightly swollen. As i said i cant get to casulty until tomorrow but is there anything i can do until then, i am taking neurofen but its not really helping, i would appreciate any help and ill keep you posted on what i actually did, any help greatfully appreciated.

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Reply 1
Can you borrow some crutches from your doctors surgery?
Reply 2
ice it
Reply 3
I cant get to my doctors either, my mum is out and she is at work tomorrow, she can only take me tomorrow eveming and i can barely walk so gettign teh bus would be inpractical, thanks for the advice though
Reply 4
Hmm i have been trying that viviki its been helping with the swelling , how long are you supposed to ice it for at a time, i have heard a variety of answers from friends at school, ranging from 5 minutes to 30 minutes every 2-4 hours, i am slightly confused.
Reply 5
I'd do it by keeping the ice on for 5 mins or so every 30-40 mins depending on how swollen it is. Bag of peas or something like that is good for it as it will go to the shape of your foot.
Reply 6
Mmmm ok thanks, ill try that, i have been apllying rice (rest, ice, compress, elevate) to it, but obviosuly thats inpractical at school and its casuing me a lot of pain
Reply 7
When you are at school if its absolutely killing try taking to school with you some frozen water in a bottle and a flannel. Wetting the flannel with the really cold ice water and sticking that round your foot while your sat at lessons. Its better than nothing.
Reply 8
Hmm i suppose :P Thanks for your help viviki, you have been great, it was agony today especially all the stairs so im hoping at a+e they will be able to do something to help.
Reply 9
Also take ibuprofen or similar (paracetamol will not be as effective) which will help with the pain.
Reply 10
Hmm i suppose :P Thanks for your help viviki, you have been great, it was agony today especially all the stairs so im hoping at a+e they will be able to do something to help.

Another thing you can do is get your school bag under the desk and elevate your foot on it while you work.

But make sure you do go to casualty sounds nasty.
Reply 11
Im taking neurofen at the moment, it doesnt seem to be doing to much, however i suppose it must be helping a little bit atleast
Reply 12
Another thing you can do is get your school bag under the desk and elevate your foot on it while you work.

But make sure you do go to casualty sounds nasty

Dont worry im definatly going to casulty, i am guessing its not broken because im still hobbling about
Reply 13
Im taking neurofen at the moment, it doesnt seem to be doing to much, however i suppose it must be helping a little bit atleast

As Helenia says ibruprofen will be better. Its a proper antiinflammatory. You can get ibruprofen 200mg tablets over the counter but make sure you take them with food.
Reply 14
Hmm ok, ill try and find some ibuprofen, ill wait till the neurofen wears off however
Reply 15
Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think a&e TOMORROW NIGHT is exactly good use of A&E. If it's bad enough to need A&E, you should be on your way now... otherwise, you should see your GP.

However, follow the generic advice of elevation, ice, compression, and pain relief. Try not to walk on it too much. You've probably sprained it - and I'm afraid all you can do is wait for it to heal, which can take quite a few weeks I'm afraid (sadly speaking from experience, having torn ligaments badly on numerous occasions)
Reply 16
Nurofen does have ibruprofen in it but its a very expensive way of taking it. Ibruprofen is about 1/4 of the price
Reply 17
Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think a&e TOMORROW NIGHT is exactly good use of A&E. If it's bad enough to need A&E, you should be on your way now... otherwise, you should see your GP.

However, follow the generic advice of elevation, ice, compression, and pain relief. Try not to walk on it too much. You've probably sprained it - and I'm afraid all you can do is wait for it to heal, which can take quite a few weeks I'm afraid (sadly speaking from experience, having torn ligaments badly on numerous occasions)
As i already stated i cant get to a + e tonight and i doubt my gp will be able to help but thanks for the help anyways
Hmm i have been trying that viviki its been helping with the swelling , how long are you supposed to ice it for at a time, i have heard a variety of answers from friends at school, ranging from 5 minutes to 30 minutes every 2-4 hours, i am slightly confused.

My bf recently injured his knee, and the physio said 4 times a day for 20 mins. Also massaging an icecube on the area til it melts can be good, apparently
Reply 19
Hmm thanks scarlet, i hope your bf's knee gets better soon. Hmm ill try that, if i can find an ice cube