The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Brookes. Seriously, you dont want to go to Bradford...
Reply 2
Brookes. Seriously, you dont want to go to Bradford...

And if you don't mind me asking...why wouldn't I want to go to Bradford? Elaborate please! List details....
Reply 3
Bradfords reputation is generally worse plus it can be a bit rough my friend lived in Brad last year and got her car broken into, had someone chase her car one night bit of road rage etc.

Its generally cheaper though OX brookes accomm is pretty expensive IMO.
Reply 4
One of my uni mates dropped out of Bradford becuase he said it was too rough, he has lived in Salford for four years now (which also has a reputation for being rough) but he said Salford is nothing compared to Bradford in terms of crime.

I have only been to Bradford once I so can't compare. Bradford's reputation as a university seems to be getting better all the time though, its certainly in a much higher league than the likes of TVU, Luton, London Met and Bolton.

PS I assume you are comparing it with Oxford Brookes otherwise there is no comparison.

Brookes is regarded as probably the best ex poly and has a solid reputation, but somebody on here said its very snobby and suffered from the "I am at Brookes College, Oxford" syndrome. I am not sure how true that is though.
please anyone can tell which university is good oxford brookes or bradford university i have got an offer letter from both the university
Gavin Williamson went to Bradford, make of that what you will. Lol
(edited 3 years ago)
Reply 7
Original post by Baabul Sayal
please anyone can tell which university is good oxford brookes or bradford university i have got an offer letter from both the university

maybe start a new thread as this one is 16 years old :wink: