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Reply 1
Someone told me it was going to happen in decemeber about a month ago...

Pah it was a rubbish lesbian kiss, the best lesbian kiss i've seen this week was on Totally Frank between Neve and the reporter, at least she half looked like she was enjoying it
Reply 3
Yeah the kiss was kinda crappy. But is Naomi actually a lesbien or was it just a spare of the moment thing?
Reply 4
Yeah the kiss was kinda crappy. But is Naomi actually a lesbien or was it just a spare of the moment thing?

i think it was a spur of the moment thing- it's really weird, it just seems totally normal to watch them kiss- just like a man and a woman- however seeing two guys kiss would be pretty vomit provoking. it was a crappy kiss- but c'mon, they're not gonna go full on tongues in like a washing machine are they!!! it's their first (it's assumed) lesbian kiss. they're gonna be nervous, aren't they??!!
I think Naomi was after Sonia since the very beginning, thats why she was all moody today knowing that she was the blame to sonia and martins arguing, and all this with Garry. I think Naomi is a lesbian.
Reply 6
I hate Sonia she's soooooooooo annoying!
Reply 7
Ive seen better lesbian kisses on tv.
that one was just bad.
I think Naomi was after Sonia since the very beginning, thats why she was all moody today knowing that she was the blame to sonia and martins arguing, and all this with Garry. I think Naomi is a lesbian.
i wonder if they will run off together and have a real relationship cos apprently sonia is meant to be leaving martin or martins leaving her.
one out of the two.

yeah i think naomi was after sonia from the start too.
it was strange how they spent so much time together and how a girls night out would only be those two...surely they have more student nurse friends they could invite.
i think naomi could be a lesbian or shes either out of the two.
haha when garry finds this out hes gonna be gutted hahaha.
i cant believe he actaully thought he was in there when hes blantantly not!!


Poison Ivy
I hate Sonia she's soooooooooo annoying!

yeah sonia is annoying and martins not that bad looking how did that happen.
they so have nothing in common
Even Zoes and the tarty blondes kiss in Eastenders, was better.
Reply 9
Even Zoes and the tarty blondes kiss in Eastenders, was better.

i dont remember this :confused: hmm
i dont remember this :confused: hmm
I think it was 2 years ago, remember it? The teenagers were all stranded or summit, and Zoe and Kelly kissed cos they were freezing :confused:
God why can't Neighbours take a leaf out of Eastender's book? :frown:
Reply 12
ohh yeah i remember now
God why can't Neighbours take a leaf out of Eastender's book? :frown:


Reply 14
I think it was 2 years ago, remember it? The teenagers were all stranded or summit, and Zoe and Kelly kissed cos they were freezing :confused:

ohh yeah i remember now
Reply 15
Even Zoes and the tarty blondes kiss in Eastenders, was better.

Haha I remember that! Next thing you know Eastenders will have Stacey and Ruby snogging eachother's faces off! :p:
Reply 16
God why can't Neighbours take a leaf out of Eastender's book? :frown:

haha why? you want neighbours to have lesbian kisses in it?
Reply 17


Wait! WHAT??? :eek:
Reply 18
Don't fancy either girl - so nothing great about it.

And, there have been plenty better lesbian kisses than that on the telly.
Reply 19
Haha I remember that! Next thing you know Eastenders will have Stacey and Ruby snogging eachother's faces off! :p:

id rather watch that than watch sonia and naomi.
eurgh sonia is eurgh!!! haha.
i would imagine they would prob kiss better than they did.
why would anyone want to kiss sonia?