The Student Room Group
Reply 1
*Points at Irish flag and shakes head*
Reply 2
There was a map of them in one of yesterday's newspapers!
Reply 3

excellent work, i'd been wondering about the same issue - glad to know someone who's a bit more proactive than me! :biggrin:
Reply 5
No problem at all, I do what I can for the 24 hour drinking community :biggrin:
they're all clubs! pretty much!
i was envisaging sitting in a pub till 2am!
what's the point in only giving it to like turnmills and fabric! they were open till 6 am anyway, and most of the people in there aren't there for the drink.
it still means we will all be turfed out of the pub at 11pm and have nowhere else to on drinking except a massive, expensive club.
Reply 7
Nah theres loads of pubs with late opening licences, but the places with 24 hour licences are mainly clubs.
what pubs in central london have late licences that you dont have to pay to get into at the weekend?
enlighten me.
brilliant! but i wouldn't class 99% of these as pubs...more trendy bars and clubs. cheers.