The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Has anyone had their interview at Cam yet? I just got a letter through today and mine is on Mon 5th Dec...doesn't give me much time to prepare!!

Any pointers from anyone for the interview....i'm applying to St Edmunds.

So nervous, believe it or not i've never had an interview before despite already having done a degree!!!!

Thanks for any help, much appreciated.

Hi, i replied on the grad vet med thread, don't worry they were really nice honestly!
Hi!! I was interviewed at Trinity Hall last year and plz believe me - they are NOT as bad as ppl seem to make out. They like to challenge u, mostly trying to get u to go into depth about biology/chemistry beyong A level work, but they ARE friendly and try to make u feel at ease.
I didnt get an offer in the end, but I gave it a shot and if id never tried, id have never known. Whenever u feel worried - just tell urself that :smile:

Just look smart (i wore smart jumper, trousers and shoes) and be urself. Try to be confident despite the weird situation and before you know, it will be over!

Good luck!!!
Reply 3
Obviously I don't know about vet interviews as I only went through med ones. However generally in interviews try to be yourself, I know it is hard but you have to try and be relaxed because you won't do yourself justice if you are really stressed. Listen to the question that you are asked and take a few seconds to think about your answer before answering it. Try and sit in a relaxed posture, and if there is some water on the table then have a drink as it will calm you down (try not to choke!). Finally remeber to breath!

Congratulations on getting you interview you have obviously done something right to get this far and good luck!

Cambridge interview everyone including no hopers which you sound like. They rip apart the no hopers for a bit of sport and treat half decent candidates with respect. So I think they are going to have some fun with you! Out of your depth? You bet!
Reply 5
eructation :)
Cambridge interview everyone including no hopers which you sound like. They rip apart the no hopers for a bit of sport and treat half decent candidates with respect. So I think they are going to have some fun with you! Out of your depth? You bet!

And the need for this was???

From your four posts all I can sense is jealousy, so if anyone is likely to be a no hoper its yourself!!
There are many people on this forum who are already at vet school or are well on their way to getting there. Comments like yours are not helpful in the slightest and are nothing but a waste of your time. Do you seriously think anyone is going to take heed of them??
Hey little first year, get back to work. You'll be repeating first year if you don't watch it.
Reply 7
Thanks all you guys.

I will ignore the last comment...judging on your other posts you are just out to drag everyone down to your level. Cam don't interview everyone i've just found out..a common misconception.

Back to you decent people, i guess i can only do my best and be myself....and try not to choke on anything water or otherwise!!! Some of the past questions i've read just seem so random there is no way of preparing for them except to focus and stay calm.

Well lets hope i'm still alive to tell my tale on monday!
I'm decent, hence why i'm a vet student. You aren't - haha!
Reply 9
eructation :)
I'm decent, hence why i'm a vet student. You aren't - haha!

I would very much doubt that your a vet student, and even if you are with that attitude you won't get very far
Reply 10
what a **** apologies for my strong language rest of you guys but has to be said