The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Got the Joining Instructions on Saturday; needless to say they're rather long. I can't be arsed to type it all in, but I may have a go at scanning them if anyone's interested.

My favourite item on the list has to be Brasso, closely followed by Flash wipes and a dirty toothbrush.......!
Reply 2
You may laugh, but you and Mr Brasso become intimately aquainted. I wouldn't like to be on No1 course as soon as we left No1 mess the workmen went in, and i can't imagine the place being spick and span
Reply 3
Brasso? eh what the buggery is that?


ahhhh now i get it!! google i love you with all my heart i truly do!
(as he says refecting on his sad and pathetically empty life . . .) Only jokin troops i'm in tip top condition.
Reply 4
Brass Polish :smile:
Reply 5
Stayed in one of the IOT blocks back in Oct, the builders moved out for the week, we moved in. I feel sorry for you guys, the bathrooms in partiular were a state and seemed to be infested by wasps.

The IT equipment looks quite good though and the rooms are livable as long as you get on with your room mate!!
Reply 6
Stayed in one of the IOT blocks back in Oct, the builders moved out for the week, we moved in. I feel sorry for you guys, the bathrooms in partiular were a state and seemed to be infested by wasps.

The IT equipment looks quite good though and the rooms are livable as long as you get on with your room mate!!

Nothing been done about them Bathrooms? wouldnt that be an H&S risk anyway

would hope everyone tries to get along with thier roommate, but there must be the ocational falling out between them at times?
Don't forget your roll mats :wink:
For trousers or other smart trousers...a jacket to make a suit, smart jumpers and smart shoes. Easy!
Polo shirts are great, as are shirts in general (they go well with V-Neck jumpers). Fleece is not allowed as it is classed as outdoor wear. Smart and plain is the best way to go.
Reply 9
Got the Joining Instructions on Saturday; needless to say they're rather long. I can't be arsed to type it all in, but I may have a go at scanning them if anyone's interested.

If you have a copy of the womens clothing list/dress code that would be fantastic. But only if it's not too big a hassle.

I know we get the list nearer the time but I will be incapable of finding all those clothes in just a month (I hate shopping and finding clothes to fit me can be problematic).
Gemma, forget wearing black trousers and a jacket to make a suit. You'll be much better off in skirts for IOT.

I'll have a look for you, think Wzz may have a list lying around.
why a skirt? personal preference of course, but trousers are much more practical? And you only need it for mess dress anyway?
Reply 12
Kit List
She asked for a dress code for IOT. The mess is the main focal point of IOT, the other areas being out in the field or in lectures where you will be in uniform. Skirts are more appropriate, not just a personal choice. As I said I will dig out any info I can find for Gemma.
Reply 14
why a skirt? personal preference of course, but trousers are much more practical? And you only need it for mess dress anyway?

If I had to be an officer and a gentleman at IOT, then you have to be an officer and a lady.

Like it or not in today's PC culture, a skirt is much more appropriate. There's no problem with having a trouser suit to wear once in a while, but you should really have a couple of skirts at least.

As BH mentions after, mess dress is all you'll wear at IOT anyway. Casual clothes are pretty much forbidden. A chap on my IOT bumped into the IOT SRI on a Saturday in Lincoln and was lambasted for "dressing like a skateboarder." As the info you'll get when you start IOT tells you, you're meant to dress like an officer all the time, not when the mess rules dictate.

Mess rules in College Hall are a minimum of shirt and slacks for guys or the "female equivalent." After 1900, it's jacket and tie.

There are still some slightly old-school flight commanders who think; quite rightly; that officers should act as gentlemen or as ladies. Hence a lady arriving for officer training without a skirt might be looked on slightly oddly.

You'll be wanting to drink pints at IOT next.....


Polo shirts are great, as are shirts in general (they go well with V-Neck jumpers). Fleece is not allowed as it is classed as outdoor wear. Smart and plain is the best way to go.

Don't wear polo shirts; they're not allowed in CHOM except at weekends. V neck jerseys are alright, but it's actually specified in the CHOM mess rules that they can be worn in place of a jacket at certain times of year.

You will be in a suit; shirt, tie and all; for the majority of IOT. That's the minimum dress standard in CHOM after 1900. Fleeces are obviously outdoor wear.

As a girlie, pitch up at IOT with at least two suits (which is pretty much what the joining instructions will say) and enough combinations to make a couple more outfits. You can get away with some sort of non-shirt top under a jacket paired with trousers or a skirt, but your base outfits should be a couple of suits; at least one of them a skirt suit.


I can't be arsed to type it all in, but I may have a go at scanning them if anyone's interested.

Continuing the "team player" theme of tomorrow's officers then? :wink:

My favourite item on the list has to be Brasso, closely followed by Flash wipes and a dirty toothbrush.......!

As has been mentioned, you'll be surprised!

I also brought a dustbuster... a sticky roller thing for taking dog hair off clothes... Mr Sheen.... tons of polish... bleach... Flash toilet cleaner....

You need to be able to turn a 1950s barrack block into a gleaming example of how to live; while simultaneously living in it in dirty CS95 for a few weeks.

Somewhere, I have a pile of stuff I took to IOT. I'll post some tips for those arriving soon when I have the time.
There are still some slightly old-school flight commanders

This sort of old school?
Reply 16
We wish. Most still maintain the right attitude though; and in a PC way, I fully support the thought that if I'm meant to act like a gentleman, the female officers should act like ladies...

You'll get QFIs like your photo once you get into training...
sorry didn't realise that they preferred skirts...i honestly thought it didnt matter!
There are so many rules and regs in the forces it's all very hard to keep track of at the best of times!
Reply 19
Not to be desperately sad, but has anyone else noticed the continuity error in Lord Flashard's uniform?