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Liquid Condom

Fullarticle here: Liquid Condom

An "invisible condom" for women that protects against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases is being developed by researchers.

A gel in liquid form acts as a barrier to HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and can be used as a contraceptive if combined with a spermicide.

The microbiocide gel, which is introduced into the vagina, is transparent, odourless and colourless and cannot be felt by either the woman or her partner.

It actively kills the pathogens in HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, said the researchers at Laval University, Quebec.

They have been developing the gel for nine years and tests on mice have shown it to be effective for at least two hours at room temperature.

Dr Michel Bergeron, professor and chairman of the Infectious Disease Research Centre in Quebec City, said the mice experiments showed the gel to be between 90% and 100% effective in trapping and killing the virus that causes genital herpes and 99.9% effective in killing HIV.

There was no evidence of toxicity, reports the British Medical Journal website.

The researchers have been given more than £150,000 in federal funds to trial the "invisible condom".

I personally think it seems dodgy. What do you think?

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Reply 1
Yeah, i think it sounds dodgy as well. i just dont see how it would work, and applying it must be pretty awkward.

Lover your avatar by the way Flukey!
Reply 2
i would like to think it would work though
Whats the point if it doesn't automatically protect from getting pregnant? Surely that is the biggest use of contraception, hence the name! So it wouldnt be any good if u then had 2 put spermicide on aswell!
Reply 4
1 slight problem I see there... just how many people have their sexual organs at room temperature?!
Reply 5
well if it can be produced and sold cheaply/given away it would be fantastic
Reply 6
1 slight problem I see there... just how many people have their sexual organs at room temperature?!

Haha yes, the friction may well turn up the temperature... :rolleyes:

But its not a condom! Condoms help with pregnancys too, :confused: it seems to fiddly for me.
Reply 7
Gotta love the way they talk about killing pathogens in HIV
HIV is a virus you numpties... grrrr people annoy me
Also how are you supposed to make sure you spread it over 100% of everywhere??
Reply 8
that article is from the bbc in 2000. like 5 years old!! how the hell did ya find it? :rolleyes:

surely if it had worked there would be newer stuff on it out...
Reply 9
Hahaha.....did they insert it into tiny mice vaginas?
Gotta love the way they talk about killing pathogens in HIV
HIV is a virus you numpties... grrrr people annoy me
Also how are you supposed to make sure you spread it over 100% of everywhere??

Viruses are pathogens.

Duck and Cover
Whats the point if it doesn't automatically protect from getting pregnant? Surely that is the biggest use of contraception, hence the name! So it wouldnt be any good if u then had 2 put spermicide on aswell!

The article does say it protects against pregnancy.

1 slight problem I see there... just how many people have their sexual organs at room temperature?!

The article only states that it lasts for 2 hours at room temperature, not that is doesn't at body temperature. It's probably just that they havn't tested it at that temperature yet.

As for the article being old - I'll look out for anything newer.
lol nice...
Does seem a bit pointless- if it doesn't stop pregnancy then isnt it kinda a waste of time lol? However, guess it could only be useful to those on the pill who are sleeping with random stangers (as in 'pulled at a club') a lot i guess...still...would be awkward (drunk or not): "hang on i've just got to...apply....this....hmm"
Lol oh dear!


oop yep just spotted the spermicide thing....thats much easier to apply.
Reply 12
stupid idea why change to those now when the ordinary condoms are perfectly ok!!
Reply 13
I always find contraception that has to be inserted by the woman beforehand to be a real turn off and probably unworkable to a lot of people. I don't much fancy sticking some clogging-up gunk in my holiest of holies!
edit: I'd love to see them 'applying' to gel to the female mice *snigger*!
Reply 14
always find contraception that has to be inserted by the woman beforehand to be a real turn off and probably unworkable to a lot of people. I don't much fancy sticking some clogging-up gunk in my holiest of holies!edit: I'd love to see them 'applying' to gel to the female mice *snigger*!

totally i agree its not a problem having to put a condom on the male as thats what we are all used to (well people that use them), to change it to that would certainly be abit stupid and indeed abit gross!!
total turn off like you say!!
i bet it wouldn't work anyway plus how are you suppose to get it out, shove a pipe cleaner up there and wirl it around to get that gunk out?
Yeah how fiddly wud that be, I couldnt watch a woman go through that! I mean at the end of the day, theres nothing worse than having to pause during the ROMANCE of the moment to have to fiddle about with a condom pack then dry an open it out and eurgh the moments gone...well 4 a bit anyway! But if a girl had 2 go..."hang on a sec let me we go...oo...aaah...hmm....letmereadtheinstructionsagain...o...jusasec...ok done! Guy - "zzzzz" :rolleyes:
I'd try a pressure washer, failing that a floor buffer.
Reply 17
I always find contraception that has to be inserted by the woman beforehand to be a real turn off and probably unworkable to a lot of people. I don't much fancy sticking some clogging-up gunk in my holiest of holies!
How about the fact that we don't really want to have to unroll something tight, constricting and gooey onto ourselves first either, onto our pride and joy, our little man?

While at the moment male condoms are the most practical and reliable solution, it's not fair to say that it *should* be that way round. We don't enjoy putting the contraception on ourselves any more than you enjoy inserting it.

totally i agree its not a problem having to put a condom on the male as thats what we are all used to (well people that use them)
we're used to it, so it mustn't change and give the men a break for a bit?

to change it to that would certainly be abit stupid

and indeed abit gross!!
total turn off like you say!!
Like condoms are for us, you mean?

I think it's a great idea, effective contraception AND disease prevention that doesn't affect sensation for man or woman. It's previously unheard of!

At the moment they may be testing it without spermicide, but if it reaches the shelves, I'm sure that you'll predominantly see contraceptive versions with a spermicide.
Reply 18
lol and id hate it if a guy watched me do that no way sexy at all

it is annoying a guy having t muck about with condoms but its what everyone does lol
Reply 19
How about the fact that we don't really want to have to unroll something tight, constricting and gooey onto ourselves first either, onto our pride and joy, our little man?

It's entirely less convenient for a woman to insert contraception than it is for a man to roll a condom onto himself. I cannot express how much I loathe and detest female-inserted contraception and would NEVER use it again. It takes about 5 minutes to get it in right, have you tried squeeing a plastic tube (luube covered) from a circle into a shape straight enough to fit... ok, well you haven't and it's really hard!