Hmm, i kind of get what you mean. i feel that sometimes, but it doesnt normally concern guys.
Nearly everyone has some stretch marks, the models you see in magazines have been airbrushed, nobody is perfect.
Loads of people have a couple of acne scars or chickenpox scars, its honestly nothing to worry about.
Oh, and my feet are totally ming, so yours cant be worse than mine! feet are just generally gross.
if this guy lets little things, like a few barely noticeable marks on your body affect how he feels about you, then he is just not worth your time. and you probably see yourself as worse than you actually are. what people see when they look at you is probably gorgeous, whereas when you look in the mirror, you are prob a lot more critical. i know i am, i can spend so long worrying over a tiny little thing, and when i ask someone about it (like my mum, who always tells me the truth) she says she doesnt know what im on about.
You can get clear braces as well, so they wont be so noticeable.