The Student Room Group

Worldwide Ages of Concent

Country Male-Female Sex Male-Male Sex Female-Female Sex

Albania 14 14/18? 14
Algeria 16 illegal illegal
Andorra 16 16 16
Antiqua (Barbuda)16 18 16
Argentina 13/16 13/16 13/16
Armenia 16 Law repealed Law repealed
Aruba 16 16 16
Australia ACT 16 16 16
Australia NSW 16 16 16
Australia NT 16 16 16
Australia QLD 16 18 16
Australia SA 17 17 17
Australia Tasmania 17 17 17
Australia Victoria 16 16 16
Australia WA 16 16 16
Austria 14 18 14
Azerbaijan 16 16 16
Bahamas 16 18 18
Bahrain ? Illegal Illegal
Bangladesh ? illegal illegal
Barbados 16 illegal ?
Belarus 16 16 16
Belgium 16/18 16 16
Belize 16 ? ?
Bermuda 16 18 16
Benin ? illegal illegal
Bhutan ? Illegal ?
Bolivia 14f - 16M ? ?
Bosnia 16 16 16
Botswana 16f-14m illegal ?
Brazil 14/18 14/18 14/18
Brunei 14/16 illegal illegal
Bulgaria 14/15 14/18 14/18
Burkina Faso 13 21 21
Burma ? illegal ?
Burundi ? illegal ?
Cambodia 16 ? ?
Cambodia 16 ? ?
Cameroon ? illegal ?
Canada 12/14/18 12/14/18 12/14/18
Cape Verde ? illegal ?
Cayman Islands ? ? ?
Chile 14 18 18
China 14 Not defined Not defined
China-Hong Kong 16 21 ?
Colombia 14 14 14
Cook Islands ? ? ?
Costa Rica 15/16 15/illegal 15/illegal
Cote D'Ivorie 15 ? ?
Croatia 14 14 14
Cuba 16 16 16
Cyprus 17 17 17
Cyprus- Sars 16 18 18
Czech Republic 15 15 15
Denmark 15 15 15
Dominica 16 ? ?
Dominican Republic 18 18 18
Dutch Antilles 16 16 16
Equador undefined ? ?
Egypt 18 18-illegal? 18-illegal?
El Salvador 16 ? ?
Eritrea 18 18 18
Estonia 14 14 14
Ethiopia 15 ? ?
Falkland Islands 16 18 16
Faroe Island 15 18 18
Fiji 16 ? ?
Finland 16 16 16
France 15 15 15
French Guiana 15 15 15
French Polynesia
Tahiti 15 15 15
Gabon 15 15 15
Georgia (Russia) ? illegal ?
Germany 14/16 14/16 14/16
Ghana ? ? ?
Greece 15/17 17 15/17
Greenland ? ? ?
Grenada 17 illegal illegal
Guam 16 ? ?
Guadelope 15 15 15
Guatemala 18 18 18
Guinea 15 ? ?
Guyana 13 illegal illegal
Haiti 18 18 18
Honduras 14/17 14 14
Hong Kong 18M/16F 21 ?
Hungary 14 14 14
Iceland 14 14 14
India 16 illegal illegal
Indonesia 17 no laws no laws
Iran 14f/17m illegal illegal
Iraq 18 ? ?
Ireland 17 17 17
Israel 16 16 16
Italy 14 14 14
Jamaica 16 illegal illegal
Japan 16/18 16/18 16/18
Jordan 16 illegal illegal
Kenya 16 illegal illegal
Korea 13 13 13
Kuwait ? illegal illegal
Latvia 16 legal? legal?
Lebanon 15/18 illegal illegal
Liberia 16 ? ?
Liechtenstein 14 14/18 14
Lithuania 16 18 16
Luxembourg 16 16 16
Macao 16/17 ? ?
Macedonia 16 16 16
Madagascar 21 21 21
Mali 16 ? ?
Malta 18 18 18
Malaysia Married-16? illegal illegal
Martinique 15 15 15
Mauritius 15 illegal illegal
México 12-18 12-18 12-18
Moldova 16 16 16
Monaco 15 15 15
Morocco 15 ? ?
Mozambique ? illegal ?
Namibia 16 ? ?
Nepal 16 ? ?
Netherlands 16 16 16
Antilles 16 16 16
New Calendonia 15 15 15
New Zealand 16 16 16
Nicaragua ? ? ?
Nigeria 13 ? ?
Norway 16 16 16
Oman none illegal illegal
Pakistan none ? ?
Panama 12/18? ? ?
Papua -
New Guinea 16 illegal 16
Paraquay 14/16 16 16
Peru 14 14 14
Poland 15 15 15
Portugal 14/16? ? ?
Philippines 12/18 18 18
Puerto Rico 14 illegal illegal
Qatar ? illegal illegal
Romania 15 15 15
Russia 14/16? 14/16? 14/16?
Rwanda 18 18 18
San Marino 14/16 14/16 14/16
Saudi Arabia must be married illegal illegal
Senegal ? illegal illegal
Serbia -
Montenegro 14 18 14
Singapore 16 illegal illegal
Slovakia 15 15 15
Slovenia 14 14 14
South Africa 16 19 19
South Korea 13 13 13
Spain 13 13 13
Sri Lanka 16 illegal 16
St.Kitts &
Nervis 14/16 ? ?
St.Martin ? ? ?
Surinam 16 18 16
Sweden 15 15 15
Swaziland 18 illegal illegal
Switzerland 16 16 16
Syria 13/15 illegal illegal
Taiwan 16 16 16
Tanzania 15 illegal illegal
Thailand 15 15 15
Togo 14 ? ?
Tonga 16 illegal ?
Trinidad &
Tobago 16 illegal illegal
Tunisia 20 illegal illegal
Turkey 18 18 18
Tuvalu ? illegal ?
Uganda 18 illegal illegal
Ukraine 16 16 16
United Arab
Emirates 18 Illegal Illegal
Uzbekistan 16 illegal 16
Uruguay 12/15 ? ?
Vanuatu 18 18 18
Venezuela 16 16 16
Vietnam 18 ? ?
Western Samoa ? illegal ?
Yemen ? illegal ?
Zaire ? illegal ?
Zimbabwe 12/16 illegal illegal
United Kingdom
England, Scotland
& Wales 16 16 16
United Kingdom
Northern Ireland 17 17 17
USA Alabama 16 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Alaska 16 16 16
USA Arizona 18 law repealed law repealed
USA Arkansas 16 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA California 18 18 18
USA Colorado 15/17 17 17
USA Connecticut 16 16 16
USA D.C. 16 Law Repealed Law Repealed
USA Delaware 16/18 Law Repealed Law Repealed
USA Florida 16/18 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Georgia 16 16 16
USA Hawaii 16 Law Repealed Law Repealed
USA Idaho 16/18 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Illinois 17 17 17
USA Indiana 16 16 16
USA Iowa 14/16 Law Repealed Law Repealed
USA Kansas 16 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Kentucky 16 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Louisiana 17 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Maine 16 16 16
USA Maryland 16 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Massachusetts16 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Michigan 16 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Minnesota 16 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Mississippi 16 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Missouri 14/17 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Montana 16/18 18 18
USA Nebraska 17 Law Repealed Law Repealed
USA Nevada 16 18 18
USA New Hampshire16 18 18
USA New Jersey 16 16 16
USA New Mexico 17 17 17
USA New York 17 17 17
USA North Carolina 16 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA North Dakota 18 Law repealed Law Repealed
USA Ohio 16 Law Repealed Law Repealed
USA Oklahoma 16 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Oregon 18 18 18
USA Pennsylvania 16 16 16
USA Rhode Island 16 Law repealed Law repealed
USA South Carolina 14/16 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA South Dakota 16 Law Repealed Law Repealed
USA Tennessee 18 Law Invalidated Law Invalidated
USA Texas 17 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Utah 16/18 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Vermont 16 Law Repealed Law Repealed
USA Virginia 18 Law invalidated Law invalidated
USA Washington 16/18 16/18 16/18
USA West Virginia 16 18? 18?
USA Wisconsin 18 18 18
USA Wyoming 16/18? Law repealed Law repealed
USA Military 16 illegal illegal
USA Traveling
Citizens 18 ? ?

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Reply 1
....thanks for that.
You need to know this kind of stuff when you find yourself with a 13 year old in korea.
Reply 3
Can some one explain why in the UK is legal to have sex at 16 but its illegal to buy porn until your 18? So…. You can do it, but you can’t buy pictures of it?
One of lifes mysteries.
Reply 5
I didnt even know lesbian sex had an age of consent...
Its very scary to see how many countries gay sex is actually illegal in! I mean crikey, in Guyana everyone can be going at it at only 13 years old while its illegal for all the gay people there, pfft! You forget what it's like everywhere else when you get absorbed in boring british politics lol

Bring on the rights in Guyana! hehe :tsr:
Reply 7
Its very scary to see how many countries gay sex is actually illegal in! I mean crikey, in Guyana everyone can be going at it at only 13 years old while its illegal for all the gay people there, pfft! You forget what it's like everywhere else when you get absorbed in boring british politics lol

Bring on the rights in Guyana! hehe :tsr:
Remember they have a vastly differnet social enviroment than in modern western industrialised nations so any rights movement would be mocked to the fringes of the political agenda
Reply 8
So would mf anal sex be ok in a country where male sex is illegal? That seems highly contradictory to me.

I researched this for a public speaking competition i did about lowering the age of consent - it's really interesting to see how some countries have much lower ages of consent, yet the average age people lose their virginity is higher, and teenage pregnancy is lower. xx
Reply 9
thats really surprising. i swear male to male sex law was the age of 18 (england)
:eek: some of them are so young...
Reply 11
I think it was lowered a little while ago due to campaigns advocating that it wasn't fair that it was ok for straight people to lose their virginity at 16 but not for gay people. I think it's right to have it the same age personally, whatever the particular country decides that age may be. xx
I think it was lowered a little while ago due to campaigns advocating that it wasn't fair that it was ok for straight people to lose their virginity at 16 but not for gay people. I think it's right to have it the same age personally, whatever the particular country decides that age may be. xx

That's not what I meant. Just... in general! In Guyana it's 13! :eek:
Reply 13
I beleive Canada as a no age policy for concent or something
Reply 14
Any age of consent is arbitrary really. You cannot assume that everybody will be ready for sex at the same age.

What if someone is ready for sex before they reach the age of consent? Is it wrong for them to have sex?
I would like to impose a total ban on sexing. IT'S WRONG AND STICKY.
Reply 16
i think we should be able to do it when we feel right beyond reason!!

not like aged 12 thats just sick
Reply 17
Any age of consent is arbitrary really. You cannot assume that everybody will be ready for sex at the same age.

What if someone is ready for sex before they reach the age of consent? Is it wrong for them to have sex?

But reallistically your not emotionally or physically ready for sex until your 16 as sex is suppose to be a mature thing
Reply 18
But reallistically your not emotionally or physically ready for sex until your 16 as sex is suppose to be a mature thing

Not neccesarily.
Reply 19
Not neccesarily.

Yeah im not saying everyone isn't ready in that way till there 16, im just saying most the time thats the case