The Student Room Group

what to do next

ok so this guy admitted he really liked me the other day, the feelings were mutual too which should in theory mean that all is good, which it is, but now that he's admitted that he does like me, where do i take the situation from here?! We're good friends and speak every day although im just unsure of the next move that i should take, would appreciate any clear thoughts!
Have you told him the feeling is mutual? Make sure he knows that, or he could feel bad. Umm...I don't know really. Just relax, be yourself and take things as they come :smile:
Reply 2
Yes he knows the feelings the same both ways.
Reply 3
then suggest you go out for a drink/dinner or just hang out.
Reply 4
i reckon organize something a bit out of the ordinary with him, like a date but not so that you feel awkward, just to get the ball rolling and to show the change in the nature of your relationship. if he hasnt made a move its up to you, and its safe as you know you wont get rejected!! go to have coffee together, then i dunno, extend your time together and get into a more intimate atmosphere and see what happens!!
ooo its so exciting the first stages of a new story!!
Reply 5
LOL good luck!!! hope it works out!!!