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I attempted 1,2 and 4 - too much of what I really don't like, if you did the paper you know exactly what that is :p:
Reply 2
I attempted 1,2 and 4 - too much of what I really don't like, if you did the paper you know exactly what that is :p:

LOL, i hate those types as well.
Reply 3
Q1,4,5,6 I didnt attempt...... (Though I really should have done Q1, looks easy I just cant see where to begin...)

Q2- I will say my answers later but I could have anywhere from 1-10 on this...

Q3- I do think my solution was pretty much perfect, so I think I should have 9 or 10...

I was originally aiming for 1 question right, so 10/60 would be a nice score!
Reply 4
1. Hopefully completely right
2. I had a go- perhaps 3-6/10 (I don't really know how the marking works for incomplete solutions)
3. I got most the way there (the 'if and only if' bit was annoying)
6. Wrote down a few ideas in the last few mins but no real attempt

Didn't like the look of 4./5.
Reply 5
Question 1 not to bad, but did not pick up full marks.
Q3 geometry :cool: looking for fullmarks
Everything else zero.
I had like 2-3mins left took glance at Q6 it looked do-able.

Roughly how many marks do you thinks neeed for round2?
Reply 6
Comparing it with 2004/5 (taking into account 6Q's not 5), I'd guestimate 30 for round 2.
Reply 8
i did 2, 3, and 4 but i dont know how well. ah well. actually, two was mainly guesswork so i'm doubtful. maybe i can improve on my 6 from last year though! couldnt believe i couldnt do question one. that just annoyed me, lol. and question 6, was that some kind of joke!?!??! lol. ah well. i prefer manipulating algebra and stuff really, solving simultaneous equations or whatever.
Was 3 comparatively easy to the rest of the questions, didn't give it a look in >.<
Reply 10
i dont know how rigorous my proof was but it took me less time than the others, i hate not knowing if im right or wrong, lol. i dont normally like the geometry questions but this one seemed alright.
Reply 11
3 took me the better part of 2 hours but yes it was pretty easy, its only because i like to have everything neat and absolutely cast iron when i hand it in...
I guess that could have been the 'easy' option then....really cheesed I didn't attempt it, spent too long on question 2 >.<
Reply 13
it wasnt THAT easy.... i wouldnt worry about it....
Reply 14
I did question 2 part 'i' and question 4. Didn't try questions 5 and 6, didn't really get anywhere with questions 1 or 3.

I'm not too disappointed, but hopefully I'll do a lot better next year/year after...
Reply 15
out of interest can someone PM me their answers to Q2... (dont worry about a full solution..) i want to see if anyone got waht i got...
Not going to worry too much, got a little interview in a couple of weeks which is more my concern....hope I don't have to do 2/3 geometry questions in that :rolleyes:
Reply 17
Should'nt everyone have done the test by now, its 4.30pm, and since its a BMO everyones on the same time zone.
Reply 18
yeah true...

well i got (for question 2)

i) 32 (pretty sure this is right)
ii) 1500
Reply 19
yeah true...

well i got (for question 2)

i) 32 (pretty sure this is right)
ii) 1500

i got 32 for part one.
part two i didnt bother.

i did question 1 though. :biggrin::biggrin: