The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
I wouldn't judge someone for it. I admit I don't go in for the whole gay/trans crowd whatever because it freaks me out, nearly all my friends are straight.
Reply 2
They freak me out.
strange there were more replies in here but they were deleted


ooopppps moderator deleted my replies n i got warning


see i dont have any problems with those kind of people unless they will affect my offsprings
Reply 4
I sort of know two people who are transexuals in my local area, one of whom has undergone the sex change operation, the other who is waiting for it. I have met them a few times. They seem like regular, down to earth people just like everyone else. I dont have any problems with them, they deserve to be treated like any other person.
Reply 5
I know one, and whenever I've shown people her photo they haven't been able to tell! She's so gorgeous though, it's not fair.
Reply 6
tee hee :biggrin:
Reply 7
My brother is a pre-op transexual and there is nothing really special or abnormal about it.
Reply 8
My brother is a pre-op transexual and there is nothing really special or abnormal about it.
Apart from the fact that she's gorgeous :mad:
Reply 9
tee hee hee :biggrin:
Reply 10
its fine... it's just they've had the misfortune to realise in their mind they're a girl and physically they're not, so they have to make the changes necessary to feel comfy in their own skin.It's true that it seems a bit weird when you;re not used to it, but when you think about it there'snothing "wrong" with it
Reply 11
personallly i think they are nutjobs and society is not getting them help and instead letting them walk around in public. It's sad really.

dear mods: not a troll, free speech at work.
Reply 12
personallly i think they are nutjobs and society is not getting them help and instead letting them walk around in public. It's sad really.

dear mods: not a troll, free speech at work.

Why on earth are they nutjobs?? I personally think anyone who has revealed that they are a transexual are very brave considering the response they might get from some people.
Reply 13
for e.g: "i'm a man trapped in a girls body"

and i'm jesus christ!!!

now why can't i get recognised as the king of the jews??
Reply 14
because jesus wasnt an ass
Reply 15
because jesus wasnt an ass

well that was a response and a half??

at least explain why you are suddenly so rude.
Reply 16
I dont think that there is anything wrong with it, but it freaks me out too ! :-s
Reply 17
for calling transexuals nut jobs. They're no different from you and me.
Reply 18
yes they are, they are people who dont recognise their natural gender.

are paedophiles no different to you or me?
Reply 19
We may hold an opinion on transexuals, or any other divison in society, but imo we don't have the right to sit in judgement.
Live and let live.