The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i applied for cat and they rejected me! :rolleyes:

1. Please explain why you have chosen to apply to Caterpillar and what has attracted you to your chosen discipline? (200 words)
research the business a little, read the about us page and say you look forward to working in a (XXXX whatever uv found out about it thats good) organisation. u believe ur skill for (the course ur doing) will be enhanced by this and that bla bla bla

2. Describe a time when you were part of a successful team effort. What was your role? What made that effort a success? (200 words)
maybe a coursework? or a time when you had to organise something? maybe a school leavers? etc

3. Describe a time at work or university when you needed to complete several things at the same time. How did you plan and ensure your work was completed? (200 words)
when you had 2 or 3 courseworks to do at the same time
or when you were studying for ur A levels u had a few subjects to study for etc

4. Describe a recent problem you have been faced with and have had to solve. What did you do and what was the outcome? (200 words)
oh i dunno erm,.... someone in your group coursework wasnt doing the work and u had to do something bout it
or when you were organising for ur school leavers somethng went wrong.. things like that

5. Describe a time when you have gone above and beyond to achieve something. What did you do and what was the outcome? (200 words)
somewhere where you have used ur initiative, this one is a difficult one.
basically a project wher u worked really really hard to get a grade? i found this one hard


Please list any other achievements you may have.
if you were a prefect at your school? any languages u have?

Please list any other awards you may have.
say u got the sports boy award for ur school? or a certificate for somethng? or something like that?

What are your interests and hobbies?
what you like to do? sports? activities etc

i dont know of any site but my placement leader says i should ask her for help, ive been lazy and avoided doing that and jus asked me my mates.
blag it, base it on a real situation and make urself look better.

sometimes say something went wrong but u learnt from what happened, cos they like honesty etc

hope that helps :smile: