The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I think it's normally next-day for most of them, and they'll give you it in writing (tho you can prob get the results over the phone anyway).
Reply 2
ye, thats what i thought, its just that my mates bf has just been tested, got the results then and there, and not in writing. He does have needle marks though that suggests he has had blood taken! Dunno, just seemed a little strange. I told her to get him to get it written.
Reply 3
When I got tested I got them a week later over the phone.
Reply 4
maybe his doctor is extra speedy...
Reply 5
Weird, I'd have thought it took way longer than that.. it's usually 1 or 2 weeks! Maybe just chlamydia wouldn't take long as that can be just a urine test, but how can they test blood etc so quickly? Hmm..

Reply 6
ye, he said the blood tests would take longer, so i spose the rest could be that quick, dunno how long testing urine takes, or how its done
Reply 7
When I was tested I was told to phone up a number on a certain day to get my results.
Reply 8
i had to phone up a week later. they need to take blood if you want testing for HIV and syphillis :smile:
Reply 9
There's no way he could have got instant results.
Reply 10
hmm, this is what i was thinking - but if he turns up with the results in his hand then i guess it can be that quick
u can get instant results for some std tests, but ones that require a blood test like HIV take a week or so
Reply 12
some of the tests can be pretty intrusive..............i had tests done at a hospital clinic rather than the doctors....much worse!
Weird, I'd have thought it took way longer than that.. it's usually 1 or 2 weeks! Maybe just chlamydia wouldn't take long as that can be just a urine test, but how can they test blood etc so quickly? Hmm..


bloods can be done quickly if the hospital has a lab on premises....some don't and they have to be sent off somewhere....xoxo
I was always under the impression it took 6 months for an HIV test to show its full colours? what am i thinking of?
I was always under the impression it took 6 months for an HIV test to show its full colours? what am i thinking of?

I think ur suppose to have 2 HIV tests, 6 months apart coz the virus doesnt always show as soon as u contract it
Reply 16
Some clinics can test you for HIV and let you know the result that same day.
Reply 17
so i guess it is possible to get it that quickly then, i hope he's not lying to her