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I've only managed to track down the 2004 rates. For a Surg S/Lt (RN)/Lt (Army) etc £35,606. SURG Lt (RN)/Flt Lt/Capt (Army) it was £53,243 - £58,484 (accredited) or £47,038 - £52,388 (non-accredited). Don't ask me what accredited means, I'm only a simple Seaman Officer.
For a Surgeon Lt Cdr/Sqn Ldr/Major, non-accredited pay started at £56,582, GMPs £78,030 and Consultants £61,532 at increment level 1.

Reservist General Medical Practitioner Pay (unqualified) started at £32.79 per day rising to £41 per day after 2 years for S/Lt level.
I hope this is what you're looking for. Most of the services got a 3% pay rise so you can probably apply that to get 2005 figures. Medical pay seems to be far more complex than for the rest of us so I don't guarantee getting my figures right.
Reply 2

Acting SgLt - (PRHO F1 F2 etc) 35,506
SgLt Level 1 - 53243 to level 5 =58484

SgLtCdr / Cdr / Cap
Consultant 61k-108k
GMP GDP 78 - 99k

non accrediteds are all slightly lower - acredidation is being accredited to one of the colleges FRCS etc.

Sorry v quick post maybe mistakes :smile:
Reservist General Medical Practitioner Pay (unqualified) started at £32.79 per day rising to £41 per day after 2 years for S/Lt level.

Are you sure? I'm on £32 a day.
Are you sure? I'm on £32 a day.

Direct quote from 2004 Medical and Dental Officers Pay Review.
Reply 5
Are you sure? I'm on £32 a day.

Well, it's not brain surgery!! :biggrin:
Reservist General Medical Practitioner Pay (unqualified) started at £32.79 per day rising to £41 per day after 2 years for S/Lt level.

What does the "unqualified" bit mean? Is that before they pass phase 1?
Reply 7
Im not entirely sure. Could be pay during your prereg year/years. Could be pay before you have started spciality training. ???
What do you mean speciality training? You have to qualify as a dr outside of the TA, they don't do it for you. They only give bursaries/sponsorships during your time at uni. (AFAIK anyway).
Reply 9
'unqualified' mean that you haven't finished your degree yet. As the RN is paying for you, as OldSubmariner said - you are an 'acting Surg LT' i.e. you aren't qualified yet. After you complete you're course - you go straight in as Surgeon Commander, then you go for the bonus pay for being a GP etc. It is tricky, but a mate is going for Dental - I'll try find some stuff from him. As for the Army - perhaps something similar?

So a PO gets the same pay as a pte?
Reply 11
No idea, I'll ask my mate if he can be of some assistance.

Reply 12
Tom never said out about Acting SgLt, he said RGMP earns £32 a day. yes you are acting while still at uni but are an Acting Suregeon Sub-Lieutenant and enter as SgLt after degree, however during F1 + F2 you've got a degree and are still not fully qualified. Speciality training is training within a chosen medical speciality e.g suregery, general practice etc. I plan to join as an MO, so this is the data of the RN career sheets. As for army no idea but figure its similar.
Reply 13
All the doctors in my TA unit were Majors. One of the orthopaedic consultants I work with was offered a golden hello of £75,000 in 2003 if he would care to join the regular army. Not bad eh? However a friend who is a GP in civvie street makes £72K a year and doesn't work nights or weekends! Jealous ? Moi??? Never!!! :wink:
One of the orthopaedic consultants I work with was offered a golden hello of £75,000 in 2003 if he would care to join the regular army.

I'm guessing he took it...?
Reply 15
The reason theyre having to offer golden hellos is cos most docs are happy with making more money on civvie street. you get paid more on civvie street, but would bore the hell out of me. lol so im joinin the rn.
Yeah, I'd rather be a dr in the forces than civdiv. Dealing with grannies rotten toe nails is not my idea of a career!
Reply 17
Rather treat a soldiers rotten toe then? :P
Reply 18
Rather treat a soldiers rotten toe then? :P
Yeah, at least they won't whinge as much....actually....:rolleyes: