The Student Room Group

Pill Problems!

Hello wondering if anyone knows whats going on :confused:

I have been on the pill for about 9 months now without a break, i started my new packet on Monday, but for some reason yesterday I had really bad period pains & had a period :confused: Which was actually heavier than the period I had between my last packet of pills and this packet!

Just wondered if anyone knows why this may be? Do you think maybe its a sign that I should have a break from the pill?

Im confused!

Reply 1
Umm..when you say without a break, do you mean you've been taking the packs back to back? You're not meant to do that for more than about 3 months cos otherwise yeah you will get breakthrough bleeding.
It sounds like you've been taking it normally - what brand are you on? I'm on Microgynon 30 and I've been taking it for a year now without any serious side effects like that. Go to your doctor and explain what has happened.
Reply 3
Hello wondering if anyone knows whats going on :confused:

I have been on the pill for about 9 months now without a break, i started my new packet on Monday, but for some reason yesterday I had really bad period pains & had a period :confused: Which was actually heavier than the period I had between my last packet of pills and this packet!

Just wondered if anyone knows why this may be? Do you think maybe its a sign that I should have a break from the pill?

Im confused!


Like fleece said, if you're taking the version that requires you to have a break on the fourth week and you haven't been taking the break and instead have been taking packs back to pack, then yes your bleeding is most likely due to this...................packs should only be taken back to back for around 3 months.......................if this is the one you're on, why on earth have you been taking packs back to back for 9 months?

If however you're on the pill that you take every single day (like I do) then its completely normal to have no bleeding for ages and then randomly start haviong it again. I had no periods whatsoever for 3 years and then randomly started getting breakthrough bleeding which I've had for a couple of days every week for the last 6 months. My hosp consultant and nurse say this is normal....

so basically, it depends on what pill you're on. If you're on the one that is supposed to have a break for a week - then TAKE A BREAK - after all, thats what it was there for!
Reply 4
everyone has misread what she said.

when she said without a break, i thikn she just meant without coming off the pill. she has clearly had breaks because she said 'it was heavier than the last period i had between my last pack of pills and this packet...'

i've got no idea why you;re bleeding out of your week break, to be honest. in the initial stages of pill taking it can be a side effect. i'm sure its nothing to worry about, but if you are worried then see your doctor.
Reply 5
Thanks everyone!

Jenna is right when I said without a break I meant, i have been taking the pill for 9 months (with the week intervals between packets).

Little Girl Red, im on Loestrin*20 :confused: !

Thanks for the replies, I wasnt exactly worried about it, just curious as to why it happend!

Thanks Girls xx
Reply 6

Little Girl Red, im on Loestrin*20 :confused: !

I've been on Loestrin 20 for a year and a half now with no problems with periods. I might change though because I think it may be 'affecting my libido', as the leaflet puts it.
Reply 7
Are you sure you didn't have very light bleeding for a while and your period is continuing longer than usual? Sometimes you can bleed for a while after starting the new packet
If its only 20 millograms or whatever, then it is weaker than the average pill and so maybe you need to go onto a stronger version? the standard pill for girls our age is microgynon 30 which has 30 milligrams and is the "normal" strength.
Go to your doctor and ask! It might be embarrassing, but it'll put your mind at rest :smile: