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If you found out that your girlfriend had a love bit from someone you don't like what would you do? and they also said they been hanging round with there girl mates when they have been hanging around with the boy mates which she has a crush on.

Let me know what you think.


I'd be pretty annoyed, but there might be a agood explanation. Best thing to do imo would be to just ask her calmly what's going on.
Reply 2
You mean a love bite, right?

Try not to get mad. Ask her about it - she might have had a bizarre hoovering accident.
Reply 3
I'd be worried if my partner had any sign they'd been unfaithful. They'd have to have a very very good reason to stop me from dumping them. Isn't that obvious? Loyalty and trust are vital in a relationship, imo you can't get by without them.
Reply 4
You mean a love bite, right?

Try not to get mad. Ask her about it - she might have had a bizarre hoovering accident.

I would simply break up
I'm not even joking. Dump her now. Who the hell tolerates any kind of cheating in a relationship?
Reply 7
If you found out that your girlfriend had a love bit from someone you don't like what would you do?

Would it be any different if it was from someone you did like?
Reply 8
is your gf clareharmz?
Reply 9
13 Minutes Ago 11:44 AM
opiache Quote:
Originally Posted by lukeharmz
If you found out that your girlfriend had a love bit from someone you don't like what would you do? and they also said they been hanging round with there girl mates when they have been hanging around with the boy mates which she has a crush on.

Let me know what you think.


I'd be pretty annoyed, but there might be a agood explanation. Best thing to do imo would be to just ask her calmly what's going on.

She said the bloke held her down and she couldnt get angry with him cause other people were there and they were all taken it as a joke. :confused:

1 Minute Ago 11:56 AM
Trousers You mean a love bite, right?

Try not to get mad. Ask her about it - she might have had a bizarre hoovering accident.

Yeah a love bit


1 Minute Ago 11:57 AM
SB I'd be worried if my partner had any sign they'd been unfaithful. They'd have to have a very very good reason to stop me from dumping them. Isn't that obvious? Loyalty and trust are vital in a relationship, imo you can't get by without them.

I am very worried as she has a crush on him :frown:
Reply 10
dump her ass
Reply 11
She said the bloke held her down and she couldnt get angry with him cause other people were there and they were all taken it as a joke. :confused:

Yeah a love bit


I am very worried as she has a crush on him :frown:

Ask the other people. And if it's true, they'll confirm what she says, and if she's lying they won't. But say "what happened when x gave x a love bite" not "is it true that [description]".
Reply 12
If she has a crush on someone else whilst she's with you, open a can of whoop ass and finish her... she isn't worth the time of day.
Reply 13
Doesn’t sound like a very good, honest and trustworthy relationship to me, your better off without her!
Definetely comes acros as though she could have been unfaithful, i'd have my suspicions
Hold there something I'm missing? YOUR girlfriend has been PINNED DOWN by ANOTHER GUY who is NOT YOU... why are you even asking us an opinion of what to do...dump her...NOW!!!!!
Hold there something I'm missing? YOUR girlfriend has been PINNED DOWN by ANOTHER GUY who is NOT YOU... why are you even asking us an opinion of what to do...dump her...NOW!!!!!

exactly, firstly if i found my girlfriend with a love bite from another guy, i'd go and kick his ass, because no one has the right to give my girlfriend a love bit except me, and then i don't know what i'd do - maybe i would dump her unless she had a very good explanation!
I'm his g/f and I had mentioned this before, I don't care what any of you say or what my ex-bf says because I would never cheat on him, haven't got a crush on this other guy and he did pin me down, I was helpless and everybody else thought it was a joke so they weren't helping, they were even takin pictures to show to lukeharmz. So yeah I've got some really *****ed up mates but they are the only people possible to hang around with.
O yeh and I did tell him that I was with my girl mates (which I was) I just didn't metnion the other people there.

And he is no angel believe me, I should have dumped him when we had been going out for about 6 months!

he's in for it now...
Reply 19
Just have angry sex, and it will all be good.