The Student Room Group

Crappy Classmates...

Ok so I'm in my second year. I missed a lot of the first year due to illness and although I knew people on my course I missed out on a lot of the drama and in house fighting that went on.

Anyway, so I'm back at university this year and I'm making an effort but after a few social outings I realise that my classmates erm, don't appear to like me much. I usually would consider myself to be paranoid but I actually heard them talking about me after they lied to me about what they were doing after class ("Oh we're not going to the bar we're going to go to the library, no nothing's going on tonight").

They were actually saying that they don't like me because I don't make the effort to be liked, that I expect people to take me as I am (I mean that's effing stupid). I've never been particularly popular but this has really annoyed me. It's made me not want to go to university, I've tried making friends with other people but by now everybody has got very cliquey and it's hard trying to fit in anywhere if you understand the logic.

I have great friends outside of university that I met at work and various other places and I have a wonderful boyfriend, but I feel really...stupid. Like I've come to university and through no fault of my own I've been ex-communicated. Whenever I try and make an effort people snub me or just take the mick. One night I went out with these guys I stayed at one of their houses, in the night I was sharing a room (Not a bed a ROOM) with this guy and he tried it on with me. Climbed in my bed and tried to kiss me etc and I ended up scratching him and punching him to make him go away and slept in the hall. I didn't hit on him, he knows I have a boyfriend and has met him. I didn't tell anybody but everybody was talking about it the next week making it sound like I'd been some sort of brazen hussy.

I really don't know what to do, because I enjoy my course but this whole social side of things has just put a real downer on things. Any ideas of how to make these people ...well be nice to me. There's no point in telling me to put my head down and just get on with my work because what sort of life is that? I mean I'll do the work yeah but...all work and no play makes The Fluff tres miserable and could cause a lapse of illness.
Kill 'em all and go hang out with some first years that haven't had a chance to start disliking you yet.
Sounds like youve the bad fortune of having a load of real wanks for classmates.
Reply 3
Why do you care what these people think about you?

If they arn't making any effort to like you, why should you make any effort towards them? You said it yourself that you've got friends at work and a great boyfriend. Just hang out with them.
Reply 4
make friends from other classes, and focus on your studdies during the lessons when you have to be with them. i agree with Dude that there is no point in trying to get them to like you if they aren't willing to do the same.
Reply 5
Dont waste your time trying to get them to 'like you', they really sound like they arent worth the effort. You are much better off making some new friends who will appreciate you for being you, or just stick to your current mates. Try not to let them get you down, they sound like nasty people. Just hold your head up high and try not to let them affect your studies!
Reply 6
why doyou want ppl that treat you like that for friends anyways?? move on and find new friends.
Reply 7
I feel the same as the original poster - thought I was the only one till now....