The Student Room Group

A very silly problem indeed

Hey this is probably going to sound very silly to most of you, but here goes:
The other day my friends invited me to smoke some weed with them and I really wanted to try it, but when it came to actually smoking it I realsied I didn't know how to! :redface:
I've never smoked cigarettes before either and I just didn't know what to seemed like all the smoke just came back out when I did it and none of my friends had this problem.Help!
Reply 1
Don't smoke it then. Saves the embarrassment all round :smile:
Reply 2
very silly you souldnt have tried smokin weed in the 1st place :wink:
Reply 3
Suck, close mouth, inhale, open mouth, exhale.
Reply 4
You want us to condone drug use?
Ok, seeing as no one else is going to give you advice.

I, in fact, started with weed so now find smoking cigarettes really difficult as it's so different. Do not worry, everyone coughs and everyone feels like a loser initially.

Am not condoning drug use, but get someone to give you a blow back if you're really worried about it, and after the first few times then you'll get used to it. Then again, you should only do it because you want to and not because you want to look cool in front of your friends. If they are true friends, they will laugh and rip the piss out of you but not be mean.
Reply 6
If it's your first time, just take a little bit at a time... Suck it into your mouth (not into your lungs), and breathe in as usual through your mouth... this takes back the smoke and also takes back fresh air. Then breath out like normal... have a few normal breaths in between tokes too. The more you get used to it, the more you take back...

I'm not saying smoking weed is good, but no one else is giving you usefull advice.

N.B (Im no experienced user, but i have tried it a few times)