The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Does such a degree exist at Oxford?
Don't you just get a BA in Theology?
Reply 3
It may be a post-grad thing??
Reply 4
Does such a degree exist at Oxford?

Yes it does. It is studied by people preparing for ministry in various churches and is rather more practical than the 'normal' Theology course for which you would get a BA.

It differs from most Oxford degrees in that a) it is continuously assessed, b) it can be studied full time or part time.

Students will typically be either graduates in subjects other than theology or mature students who may not have another degree. The BTh is only offered at Blackfriars, Campion Hall, Greyfriars, Regent’s Park College, St. Benet’s Hall, Wycliffe Hall, Ripon College Cuddesdon, St Stephen’s House, Mansfield College and Harris Manchester College