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Mines anxiety and lightheadedness at the moment. Just thought Id make a thread for people to moan in :p: oh I meant that in an innocent way, so...

lol mine would be psoriasis.....grrrrr....darn thing :p: xoxo
Reply 2
Mine would be high blood pressure.
Reply 3
Mine would be my chest and asthma. Still have flu a week after I had the flu jab :frown:
Reply 4
Mine is Gallstones. Stupid things
Reply 5
Mine's either my wrist or my depression. But I have prozac and that seems to be working, so I'll go for my wrist
Reply 6
Mine would be my anxiety disorder and my depression
Reply 7
Physically nothing. Mentally - that's a can of worms.
currently have 3 seperate torn ankle ligaments and i'm in a stupid space man boot cast thing. woooo
well ive got a cold, which was pretty bad yesterday, made me feel like crap, but going out last night seemed to help (proof that drinking isnt bad kiddies!)

either my cold or my rib, which i hurt about 10 days ago, and has got worse a couple of times (due to not resting it) seems to be getting better again though, less painful today than yesterday...
Reply 10
Nothing other than being a fat bugger :frown:
Reply 11
Okay I don't know exactly what the cause of this is but its quite a serious, psuedo-embarrassing problem:

Whenever I walk any reasonable distance (more than say half a mile) I get quite obvious pains in my shins and have trouble walking...

I told my doctor about this before and he said 'use it or lose it' but I mean cmon I'm not totally unfit or overweight in any way. It's just that I used to go cycling and running a lot, and now I don't...but my shins hurt really bad.

Only thing I've come up with is shin splints but apparently you only get them if you're an athlete and overwork yourself. Could it be from walking 4 miles home in the freezing cold around 1am (coming home from ma fille's)?

I thought it might be growing pains but I'm 19 so I doubt that's it. Anyone have any ideas?
Reply 12
Anyone can get shinsplints, sounds like thats what it is to me..
insomnia. argh!
also, sore ankle, bruised ribs and a random nasty cough, as well as lightheadedness.

so obviosuly I'm going out to play lacrosse on Sunday :biggrin:
Reply 14
Shin Splints suck!

How do I get rid of them?
I sprain my wrist every week watching neighbours.
Reply 16
Asthma, getting out of control in the cold weather recently :/
Reply 17

More or less over it, but with noone to talk to here, it's in slightly more danger of coming back.

Was talking quite casually about someone supposedly committing suicide with a friend and a lecturer the other day, and it brought back a few nasty thoughts for the few moments that the conversation lasted.
Okay I don't know exactly what the cause of this is but its quite a serious, psuedo-embarrassing problem:

Whenever I walk any reasonable distance (more than say half a mile) I get quite obvious pains in my shins and have trouble walking...

I told my doctor about this before and he said 'use it or lose it' but I mean cmon I'm not totally unfit or overweight in any way. It's just that I used to go cycling and running a lot, and now I don't...but my shins hurt really bad.

Only thing I've come up with is shin splints but apparently you only get them if you're an athlete and overwork yourself. Could it be from walking 4 miles home in the freezing cold around 1am (coming home from ma fille's)?

I thought it might be growing pains but I'm 19 so I doubt that's it. Anyone have any ideas?

This happened to me for a period of about two weeks and it annoyed the hell out of me - it just started randomly, I remember it was the first day of year 12 and we had been sitting through various presentations in the morning and when I got up (I had walked to school that morning like normal, bout 1 or 2 miles) i literally could harldy walk and I had terrible pains in my shins. And then, it stopped after two weeks, again randomly. Weird...
Reply 19
You can always talk here or PM if you like. No-one will judge (at least i hope they won't)