Doesn't sound quite like what you quoted, but this is what the BBC news website says:
Best's son read a poem by Julie McClelland:
Farewell our friend, but not goodbye.
Your time has come, your soul must fly.
To dance with angels, find the sun,
but how we'll miss our special one.
He walks among us just a while,
weaved your magic, made us smile.
Your life was so full of light and tears,
we lived it through you, through the years.
The golden days, they went so fast.
The precious times, why can't they last?
So many loved you, did you know?
We were not ready to let you go.
The stars from Heaven are only lent.
A gift from God, that's why they're sent.
We won't forget our Belfast boy,
he filled our lives with so much joy.
Your star will shine now in the sky.
Farewell our friend, but not goodbye.