The Student Room Group

did anyone else feel really upset when they turned 18?!


I was just wondering if anyone else felt really upset and sad when they turned 18?

Its my 18th in a few dayz and I keep crying and getting really sad about it. I just feel like I want to cancel my birthday. Ive been quite ill the past few years, since I was 13 and I guess I'm just really upset than I'm turning 18 and things still arent 100%. I Know I should be thankful I'm alive and I've lived to see 18 etc, but that doesn't make me feel any better!!

It's just such a big milestone and I don't feel ready. Its like your childhoods over. Do I sound stupid?! But I'm not talking about feeling slightly sad.. because I can put up with that. I just feel soooo sad and upset and I keep crying. Ive had it for quite a few days now.

Does anyone have any advice? Because obviously I don't want to spend my birthday feeling sad and I don't want to breakdown in tears on my birthday at school lol. Everyone would think I am soo weird.


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Reply 1
I love my childhood and I seriously hate aspects of growing up and leaving that all behind etc It's understandable that you'd feel sad but there are also so many great things about turning 18 - it sounds cliché, but that's when your life really begins.
Reply 2
How said u HAVE to grow up @ 18...i nevr did im still kid but nw i dnt hav ne restictions :-p
Reply 3
How said u HAVE to grow up @ 18...i nevr did im still kid but nw i dnt hav ne restictions :-p

and you still type like a 12 year old, there's progress for you.
The freedom to buy drink! How can you complain?

I don't think 18 is that big a milestone other than that, since you're still a teenager (groan!), and you have yet to become... a monster an adult!
just dont think about it so deeply!! you're 18-you get to drink, vote, and everyone buys you cool pressis and its just a great day!!! enjoy it and stop thinkin about it all negatively!
aww try not to get upset about it - it's just a number. I turned 18 a couple of months ago and it's still quite weird, it sounds so old! I'm still as immature as ever though :biggrin: cheer up chuck and enjoy your day!
Reply 7
I'm 19 now... and freaking out a little at the prospect of being 20!

Growing up is an illusion though. You become more mature, and learn to appear to fit in with society, but you never stop being a child.
r u mad? turning 18 is great (unless your parents r gona kick u out wen ur 18) if not then u got nothin to worry about. u dont automatically change wen ur 18, nothin changes if u dont leave home cept u can get dole money if u need it lol drink vote etc. enjoy being 18. 18 is what you make it, you can very much still be a child, or grow up completly as in move home and go to uni. I didnt change atall being 18, but its going to uni that makes you grow up...iv done more growing up in the past 2 months than ever before, it really makes u stand on your own 2 feet and reflect on life.


god yea im dreadin becomin 20 i was thinkin other day **** im gona be 20 in 10 months lol
Reply 9

I was just wondering if anyone else felt really upset and sad when they turned 18?

Its my 18th in a few dayz and I keep crying and getting really sad about it. I just feel like I want to cancel my birthday. Ive been quite ill the past few years, since I was 13 and I guess I'm just really upset than I'm turning 18 and things still arent 100%. I Know I should be thankful I'm alive and I've lived to see 18 etc, but that doesn't make me feel any better!!

It's just such a big milestone and I don't feel ready. Its like your childhoods over. Do I sound stupid?! But I'm not talking about feeling slightly sad.. because I can put up with that. I just feel soooo sad and upset and I keep crying. Ive had it for quite a few days now.

Does anyone have any advice? Because obviously I don't want to spend my birthday feeling sad and I don't want to breakdown in tears on my birthday at school lol. Everyone would think I am soo weird.


I feel exactly the same. Im 18 now but really wish I could go back to being 11 or 12 again where you have no responsibilities or worries. Its not that I dont enjoy life but just looking back it does make me feel a bit crap.
Reply 10
If you think turning 18 or 20 is bad, wait until you're facing the prospect of turning 21 in less than 2 months! I still feel like a 16/17 year old in some ways - am so not ready to be out of my teens!
Reply 11
Princess Ana
I'm 19 now... and freaking out a little at the prospect of being 20!

Growing up is an illusion though. You become more mature, and learn to appear to fit in with society, but you never stop being a child.

I'm dreading the thought of turning 20 too!

I was just wondering if anyone else felt really upset and sad when they turned 18?

Its my 18th in a few dayz and I keep crying and getting really sad about it. I just feel like I want to cancel my birthday. Ive been quite ill the past few years, since I was 13 and I guess I'm just really upset than I'm turning 18 and things still arent 100%. I Know I should be thankful I'm alive and I've lived to see 18 etc, but that doesn't make me feel any better!!

It's just such a big milestone and I don't feel ready. Its like your childhoods over. Do I sound stupid?! But I'm not talking about feeling slightly sad.. because I can put up with that. I just feel soooo sad and upset and I keep crying. Ive had it for quite a few days now.

Does anyone have any advice? Because obviously I don't want to spend my birthday feeling sad and I don't want to breakdown in tears on my birthday at school lol. Everyone would think I am soo weird.


I watched Casablanca while drinking half a bottle of whisky on the eve of my 18th birthday. I did feel as though I had lost my childhood, but I remember distinctly (which is testiment to the profundity of the thought) vowing to myself that I would always be a kid inside. I still feel like a 16yr old.

It really isn't that big a milestone (in hindsight), you truly are as young as you feel. I still laugh when people fart.
Reply 13
It can be scary getting older but you should see turning 18 as a good thing!
I have enjoyed life more and more as I have got older, you have more freedom and you can do a lot more things. Also with age comes more confidence and also you don't have to answer to anyone. Nevertheless I am about to turn 19 and that is a little scary as it will be my last year of being a teenager!
Reply 14
My 18th's on December 20th, and all I can think about is how nice it'll be to drink legally anywhere I want. Nothing's going to change just because you turn 18; you'll be exactly the same person, just that you'll be able to do more things than before (vote, drink legally, marry without parental permission, etc)
I was kinda sad, cos I didn't feel like an 18 yr old, i still felt really childinsh and naive.
I didn't have any real friends, I never went out, I had never got drunk, never even knew any boys let alone had a bf. I just thought - I am such a loser to have got to 18 without haviing lived! And i didn't have any kind of 18th birthday celebrations.

But thats all over now, and i realise that theres no rules for what you should be doing at a certain age. Just do what you want and don't let these silly 'milestones' that society sets up influence how you are.
I understand what you mean. I didn't like the idea of not being 17 anymore, because I had such a fun time being that age. However, when my birthday actually came I had an awesome time and what i found was best about turning 18 wasn't the actual birthday, as it is with most others, it was what happened after. I found that being able to go out to so many places i hadn't been able to before really changed my mindset on things. I would try not to think of it as a big milestone which everything has to be perfect for, because things never are. What you can instead do is focus on having a good time, don't think so much about the actual day, think about what comes with it and the new opportunities it will bring and try to enjoy them instead of thinking about the things you feel like you're losing. Its not how old you are, its how you feel! I guarantee that the new experiences being 18 can bring will far surpass any negative feelings you had about the day before it happens. I hope that you feel better soon!
Hey, I was doing coursework on my birthday! :frown: :frown: no fun!
Age is just a number...You don't suddenly change overnight whenever its your birthday. Just enjoy the fact that its your birthday and that everyone will probably make a fuss of you!


scarlet ibis
I had never got drunk

You say that like its a bad thing....I'll let you in on a secret...getting drunk isn't all that you know! :rolleyes:
Reply 19
Just wait until you're looking 30 in the face :biggrin: