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Reply 1
Are there actually any guys out there that are genuinely nice and interested in us for who we are and not just for sex?!?!?
Me, for one :smile:

I think you've just been unlucky in the guys you've picked.
Yeh youre perspective seems to be tainted. Us guys aren't all that bad
I'll agree with Dalimyr on this one.. Not ALL guys are out for sex and nothing else (although it WOULD be a nice bonus). I am getting the impression that you have recently had a bad experience with a guy and I hope that you are okay.

Just bear in mind that not all guys are awful and I would like to say that not all women are squeaky clean (as my ex-gf proved after our 4 years together). Just mark it down to experience and try to move on. Whatever happens don't let this get you down or stop you from trusting anyone again... (time for my cheesy line of wisdom.). Life would be pointless if you tried to be safe all the time and didn't take risks - you will get burned every now and then but all it takes is for one risk taken to turn out well and your life will be amazing :wink:
Reply 4
Yeh youre perspective seems to be tainted. Us guys aren't all that bad

I think I must be looking in the wrong places! Where are you all hiding?!?!
Reply 5
Because you let them.
Reply 6
I think I must be looking in the wrong places! Where are you all hiding?!?!
Far away from Liverpool :p: :rolleyes:
Far away from Liverpool :p: :rolleyes:

Manchester isn't all that far from Liverpool :wink:
Reply 8
Im not that far from liverpool lol, only over the water!
Besides what you say about guys is exactly what i think about the girls ive met in recent years!
Learn to get in control of the situation (takes practice though). Then it will all fall into place...
I have a simiar question actually, I belive my ex genuinely liked me because of the way he acted when we broke up but if he did why did he put me through such emotional abuse? I don't appreciate people who play mind games and f*** with my head.
Reply 11
I feel exactly the same! I'm always just a convenient ego-booster. :mad: They'll treat me so nicely until i fall for them, then they lose interest. I know all guys arent like that, i only have to look at most of my male friends and my friends boyfriends.
It's only the guys i get involved with. :frown:
Reply 12
no offence girls but this is utter boll. Girls are a lot more manipulative and cunning than they admit and than they let boys know. Guys are pretty straightforward. They want to have a fit girlfriend and look cool and yes sex is bonus seeing as guys are always in the mood. Girls can wind a guy around their little finger if needs be and yet be completely oblivious to bad points of someone they fancy. I suppose the faliability is what makes us love you so much, to some extent. Romance. So dont mope and bitch about boys in general just coz you suffer a bit of heartbreak. We're all humans and your just exhibiting what happens to anyone when they get bruised. get over it. all boys arent scum
it depends on the person and not the gender.
no offence girls but this is utter boll. Girls are a lot more manipulative and cunning than they admit and than they let boys know. Guys are pretty straightforward. They want to have a fit girlfriend and look cool and yes sex is bonus seeing as guys are always in the mood. Girls can wind a guy around their little finger if needs be and yet be completely oblivious to bad points of someone they fancy. I suppose the faliability is what makes us love you so much, to some extent. Romance. So dont mope and bitch about boys in general just coz you suffer a bit of heartbreak. We're all humans and your just exhibiting what happens to anyone when they get bruised. get over it. all boys arent scum

Got it in one.
Reply 15
Well said.

Almost universally, girls are many, many times more manipulative than boys.
How do guys do it??? They make us think that they genuinely like us and it turns out they don't really, and so in the end we just waste so much of our time thinking about them! Why do they do this to us?? Are there actually any guys out there that are genuinely nice and interested in us for who we are and not just for sex?!?!?


I hate men :frown:
guys aint got time to be manipulative all we want is a straightforward relationship without any complications
How do guys do it??? They make us think that they genuinely like us and it turns out they don't really, and so in the end we just waste so much of our time thinking about them! Why do they do this to us?? Are there actually any guys out there that are genuinely nice and interested in us for who we are and not just for sex?!?!?

and likewise, don't say its just us that do it. :eek:
But i don't do it or anything, so its just you lot... :wink:
Reply 19
They want to have a fit girlfriend and look cool and yes sex is bonus seeing as guys are always in the mood.

Generalising :rolleyes:
Not all guys are always in the mood for sex and always trying to get it, ya know.