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racist parents

i never realised the extent of my parents racism until now. here's the scenario: i'm chinese but was born and raised here. as a result of growing up in a multicultral environment, i'm not racist. however my parents are as they were born in china and came to london 17 years ago.

recently, a good friend of mine, who is japanese, asked me out and i was inclined to say yes coz race really doens't matter to me. but my parents went beserk when they found out and i understand that they were like this because of old racial views they can't get over so they've bascially told me that i can only be friends with him.

i really don't care what they think but i still can't go out with him coz my life would be hell at home if i did, and i really don't need that at the moment.

how am i meant to tell him all this and still stay friends with him??

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Reply 1
I must say, that's very odd indeed.

But I believe honesty is the best policy here.
Reply 2
If you don't care what your parents think then it shouldn't stop you from going out with him. Just don't tell them.

I know that may not be the best advice but if they can't respect you for who you are, how can you begin to respect their views?
discuss it with them. Say your going to take it slowly and that if they really loved you they would want you to be happy.
p.s its very refreshing to hear stories of other races than white being racist rather than the usual white being the only racists around.
expain to your parents your views and that they have no right to judge people based on their race. Race shudn't matter only the guys personality
Reply 5
hmmm if i was chinese id probably still hate the japs as well...
Reply 6
I must say, that's very odd indeed.

But I believe honesty is the best policy here.

What's odd? That's shes got racist parents?

My parents are the same - Chinese parents with very old-fashion ideals.

It's hard to appreciate where they're coming from when your own are essentially British.
Most of our parents are actually racist at some point its just to the degree that they're being racist. We now live in a multicultural soicety so its not really an issue for us but our parents don't see it the same way. To be honest its what you think thats the most important. If you like the guy than what your parents think shudnt matter
Sounds like the basis of an epic romantic tale to me.
Reply 9
I guess your parents experienced the torture or something during the Manchurian days when Japanese invaded them. My grandparent hate Japanese as much. But, I have nothing against them really.
I agree with what most people here are saying - talk to your parents, let them know that their ideas are old-fashioned and they can't stop you going out with someone because of their race. It may cause a few problems between your parents, but better now than later in life? They can't dictate how you spend your adolescence.
I guess your parents experienced the torture or something during the Manchurian days when Japanese invaded them. My grandparent hate Japanese as much. But, I have nothing against them really.

I wonder that too.

My Grandpa hates white people, but he went through the Jim Crow days, and alot of hatred, so I forgive him for it. I don't agree, but I do understand. :frown:
Reply 12
Well, explain to them that we're in the 21st Century and that Britain, especially London, is a very large place with so many different cultures and you don't agree with their views on race and you're sorry if it betrays them in any way, but you would like to see this boy and their, (as you say) old racial views, can't and won't stop you.
its very refreshing to hear stories of other races than white being racist rather than the usual white being the only racists around.
Mmm, nothing like a good spread of racism, huh? :rolleyes:

lizzie: Talk to them about it and explain whilst you respect their views, it is your life and your choice and your view is that race does not matter, and whilst you accept their opinion, they equally ought to accept yours.
No Future
Mmm, nothing like a good spread of racism, huh? :rolleyes:

lizzie: Talk to them about it and explain whilst you respect their views, it is your life and your choice and your view is that race does not matter, and whilst you accept their opinion, they equally ought to accept yours.

how on earth is my comment racist?
all i'm saying is that racism is always portrayed as white people being racist or discriminating against other races. Its a fact of life. How many stories have you heard of a white person being racist to a black person? compare this to how many you have heard of a black person being racist towards a white person.
dont say it doesnt happen because believe me it does!
its refreshign to hear it from a different viewpoint rather than the usual. not refreshing its happening.
Reply 15
how on earth is my comment racist?
all i'm saying is that racism is always portrayed as white people being racist or discriminating against other races. Its a fact of life. How many stories have you heard of a white person being racist to a black person? compare this to how many you have heard of a black person being racist towards a white person.
dont say it doesnt happen because believe me it does!
its refreshign to hear it from a different viewpoint rather than the usual. not refreshing its happening.

She's not saying you were racist, but rather disagreeing with your description that a different type of racism is 'refreshing', I believe.
well maybe it was wrong word but you would ahve to be a bit silly to not see that i wasnt saying that racism was refreshing but rather it was refreshing to read about a different origin of racism rather than the usual.
Reply 17
No Future
Mmm, nothing like a good spread of racism

I can't believe you were the first person to comment on it! No one else picked up on it?

I see that StudentBum is not racist, but come on, no form of racism is "refreshing" - not even if it is not from a white perspective.
A lot of people are saying talk to your parents, explain...
uhh i dont know if you've had old fashioned, so-called 'trraditional' parents but talking to a wall doesn't work. If anything, someone they respect needs to talk to them. They sure won't listen to their child lecturing them.
maybe it was the want for a better word . no racism is acceptable , but the point is there . it is refreshing to hear that its not just whites that get accussed of racism .
are we going to argue over a word? the point is there and any half intelligant person can understand it.