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Reply 1
Self diagnosis is never good!
Go to a doctor ASAP if you want diagnosing.
Reply 2
It's hard to diagnose yourself really. If you go to any of the anti-depressant sites, like Prozac they have a quiz but as they want to sell their products they might not be reliable.

There's a long list of symptoms here and you might find that useful.
Reply 3
I agree, self diagnosis ISN'T good, but I did it and I'm pretty sure my diagnosis is correct. (I did it from my study of psychology, as well as various other pieces of literature.) However, definately go to the doctor if you think you have depression.
There are websites you can look at which give indicators of depression, which can be useful. If you think you're depressed, chances are that you might be. Definitely go and see your doctor or GP. They won't necessarily prescribe you any meds but they can help you decide what to do in terms of the next move.
Reply 5
original poster here

thanks. having thought about it all, i don't know what the various medication is (has a ring of mystery to it, which some people think works, but to me seems like frontal labotomies a few decades back). i suppose i've concluded that however you feel, the best medicine is just having someone to talk to.
Reply 6
hmm. best thing is to talk to people about stuff i guess. far more effective than any medicine.
hmm. best thing is to talk to people about stuff i guess. far more effective than any medicine.

Depends on the type of depression. Like, if it's caused by some external factor, ie a trauma of some type, then talking really does help in the majority of cases. But if it's depression caused by some sort of chemical imbalance then drugs can help a lot more than counselling in my opinion.
how would one go about (self)diagnosing such a thing? surely it's subjective, because the turmoil of the inner mind isn't always directly proportional in greatness to the amount of times each day you cry etc.. or is the whole thing just an abstract term rather than many of the other rather precisely understood medical phenomena.

don't self-diagnose depression - you'll get it wrong, as you're not qualified, and probably will misinterpret the symptoms that you read about on any of the websites people have suggested, as if depression can sometimes be a self-perpertuating vicious circle: such as you think you're depressed but don't want to go see someone about it as you think that they'll see you as being weak, so you try to self-diagnose yourself using a website and see or misinterpret a couple of symptoms and convince yourself that you're depressed. if you convince yourself you're depressed, then it may lead to you physchologically 'developing' these symptoms that you have read about, which re-enforces your initial hypothesis that you're depressed, and so it continues....

go and see someone who is more objective about these things, better trained, and has probably seen ac case like yours a thousand times (your GP would be the best example, or any doctor really). i know this whole situation, as i've had friends who were convinced that they were depressed, and have been through this situation, but also, my father is a doctor, and i have done psychology courses on this and have talked fairly extensively about it with several doctors and found that this is often the root cause of people who think they're depressed.

anyhows, i hope you go and see a GP about this, as they'll take a more empriricl look at your situation, and will be able to help you out. hope you cheer up soon. :smile:
Reply 9
hmm. best thing is to talk to people about stuff i guess. far more effective than any medicine.


my brother got depressed, and locked himself in his room at uni for 3 weeks.

he COULDNT talk to people, which is why he was depressed?

now he is on some meds, he is much better,

go to a doctor, tell them how you feel.
Reply 10
It's hard to diagnose yourself really. If you go to any of the anti-depressant sites, like Prozac they have a quiz but as they want to sell their products they might not be reliable.

Do you look like this?


Do you want to look like this?


Then Prozac has the answer!

My prescription: a consultation with your G.P.
Reply 11
hmm. best thing is to talk to people about stuff i guess. far more effective than any medicine.
I'd just like to mention that talking about it can be extremely difficult...I mean, people here know that I've been quite open about my depression in the past few weeks (thankfully the major depression is over - mild depression remains, but I can cope with it), but I never said a word about it for almost 5 years.

I personally went with self-diagnosis, but as others have said, it's not really the best way to go. Particularly if you're suffering from major depression, you're not exactly going to be in a state of mind to do a proper self-diagnosis. However, should you wish to self-diagnose, then this site and this test may very well interest you.
What do people think about using medication in treating depression? I know most have side effects and they aren't a long term option....if I got prescribed them I'd be a little suspicious knowing what I do I about them. Anyway..what do the rest of you think about them?
If you think you might be depressed see adoctor asap. i knew ive been depresses, but only cos ive had it before and recognise my symptoms, i really would urge to to see someone and talk about your worries etc :smile:


What do people think about using medication in treating depression? I know most have side effects and they aren't a long term option....if I got prescribed them I'd be a little suspicious knowing what I do I about them. Anyway..what do the rest of you think about them?
well i went to see my GP today about my depression, and we've agreed we'd wait until after xmas to see how i am then before deciding treatment. i dont think al doctors like to give out meds, but there are some that use them as the soultion to everything (which they're not)
Reply 14
well i went to see my GP today about my depression, and we've agreed we'd wait until after xmas to see how i am then before deciding treatment. i dont think al doctors like to give out meds, but there are some that use them as the soultion to everything (which they're not)

Alot of doctors handed out anti-depressants like candy, and then realised it is costing the NHS fortunes.
But I have an appointment tonight about my suspected depression (about booldy time too IMO).
i am on antidepressents-citalopram 60mg which is the highest you can have. it helps me, but it doesnt cure.
For me it was clear that i was depressed. I cried all day every day, couldnt stop and just wanted to die. I dont know how it affects others though and where the boundary for depression is. i just know that i was way past it!
i am on antidepressents-citalopram 60mg which is the highest you can have. it helps me, but it doesnt cure.
For me it was clear that i was depressed. I cried all day every day, couldnt stop and just wanted to die. I dont know how it affects others though and where the boundary for depression is. i just know that i was way past it!
Reply 17
Ive dealth with depression since i first started secondary school (12 years old, Very young age for it) and way before all the hype about it.

I have never seen a doctor for it or really opened up to friends about it, i just deal with it and have done for years. If this is the first time your beginng to feel depressed you have to ask yourself wether you are capable of dealing with it yourself, it is hard, very hard. Trust me. and it can lead to worse things.
Reply 18
Ive dealth with depression since i first started secondary school (12 years old, Very young age for it) and way before all the hype about it.

I have never seen a doctor for it or really opened up to friends about it, i just deal with it and have done for years. If this is the first time your beginng to feel depressed you have to ask yourself wether you are capable of dealing with it yourself, it is hard, very hard. Trust me. and it can lead to worse things.

my brother got depressed, and locked himself in his room at uni for 3 weeks.

he COULDNT talk to people, which is why he was depressed?

now he is on some meds, he is much better,

go to a doctor, tell them how you feel.

i dont think all cases are the same tho, and u think the peson depressed wud fin it v difficult to go to a doctor and talk about their feelings0- i kno i wud! Depression comes in many different forms its never easy to talk to some one about it but i think that would be the best solution, talk to friends