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Put a horrible tasting nail thing on like remover. They'll taste vile and you wont want to bite them. I promise.
Reply 2
I gave up once for about 3 years and then got friendly with someone who bit her nails and I just started biting mine again after seeing her.
I originally gave up by setting myself a goal, like a treat or something if you manage to do it- took alot of willpower though.
I also had a friend that tried only ever to bite one of their nails, whilst the other 9 grew. Gradually weening themselves of it. (Looked a bit weird mind!)
I guess you've tried that minging tasting coating to try and deter you biting your nails?!

Good luck, I've tried so many times and havent been able to do it! I've just accepted the fact now that I'm a nail biter :frown:

You kno what though, some people suit bit nails. My friend stopped biting her nails n grew them n they looked horrible
Reply 4
You kno what though, some people suit bit nails. My friend stopped biting her nails n grew them n they looked horrible

I'm with you there- I grew mine and they just looked weird!
They were weak when you grow them back too, and it takes ages to strengthen them! I say keep biting them! No harm done!!!
Reply 5
I don't want to keep biting them!
stop'n'grow. Works wonders, unless you're really odd and like the taste - I knew a girl who did!
Reply 7
I just wore clear nail varnish all the time for a while... I was so busy getting it off I didn't bite my nails.
Reply 8
I'm with you there- I grew mine and they just looked weird!
They were weak when you grow them back too, and it takes ages to strengthen them! I say keep biting them! No harm done!!!

Damn right, it relieves stress, actually looks better than proper length nails on me, doesnt kill my palm when i make a fist and i don't have to file them down or anything. :biggrin:
Reply 9
Damn right, it relieves stress, actually looks better than proper length nails on me, doesnt kill my palm when i make a fist and i don't have to file them down or anything. :biggrin:

See....It's all about biting your nails!
Spend some of your money on a manicure, and anytime you nibble on your nails you might as well be chewing pound coins - worked for me :wink:
Reply 11
Good One

Thinking outside the box :cool:
or put really spicy stuff on your nails which you can handle
Reply 13
Put a horrible tasting nail thing on like remover. They'll taste vile and you wont want to bite them. I promise.

I used to have this problem...not any more! I recommend using Nailbite, its a clear white coat you can apply to make your nails taste rather rank. you can get it from boots for about £3. Once you've had a little while of using it, it seems almost psychological, and you stop biting automatically.
How can I stop biting my nails? I do it subconciously, so don't really notice when I'm doing it. But when they get slightly long they just go!

biting your nails being hard to give up? who cares - it's not like you're doing crack or anything! if you want to bite your nails, then bite them - it's your decision. i personally think it's a bit rank, but i guess each to our own.
Reply 15
There is some really disgusting stuff you can get to put on your brother used to have it. Try it :smile:
Reply 16
pick them so then there is nothing to bite....
Reply 17
Put a horrible tasting nail thing on like remover. They'll taste vile and you wont want to bite them. I promise.

i used that and it did taste vile but then i found that everything i touched would then taste of the remover which was not good at all
Reply 18
Anonymous person,

I bit my nails until 2 weeks and 2 days ago. I have tried to quit before but have discovered that it wasn't the right time. Like, I just gave up sucking my thumb when I was about 10, just as it felt right to stop biting my nails now.

If you really want to stop RIGHT NOW, you could try hypnosis or something...?

(My nails look great now and I feel better about myself)
Reply 19
I used to bite my nails when I was younger, don't know why - really bad habit!! I haven't bitten my nails for ages - I just somehow managed to stop through willpower and saying to myself if I want nice nails I will have to stop biting them! I guess I kinda grew out of me, once you stop biting them - you'll be fine! :smile: