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Reply 1
:eek: ewwwwwwwwwwwwww
Does she actually know you?
Reply 3
:eek: ewwwwwwwwwwwwww

I know i know its wrong i have to stop thinking about her but i cant!, yeh shes the daughter of my mums freind, so we say hello whenever i see her
Reply 4
you can and will! right now!
Reply 6
hmm. i think i have to agree with the above, although i do recognise that this isn't exactly something you're looking for, which makes the comment of 'ewww' a bit unhelpful.

perhaps it might be an idea to just stay away from this girl for a while? completely avoid her, don't see her at all if you can avoid it, and see if you can take your mind off her. maybe hook up with someone your own age?

hope it works out.
Reply 7
jesus christ!

Reply 8
You just gotta wait 3 years. She'll be well chuffed to have a 22 year old after her when she's 16.

Reply 9
Everyone seems very quick to show their disgust, but does anyone remember that singer, jo-jo? she was 13, didnt look it and im very sure she had people alot older than her who held a crush.

Just remember shes six years younger than you, and any relationship should it happen, would be greatly frowned upon! :smile:
Im a bit worried at the moment, as i seem to have a MASSIVE crush on this girl....whos 13, i try to stop thinking about her but i cant, i keep having these thoughts about her and i cant stop :confused:

at this point in time, I suggest you keep your crush to yourself :eek: But if you think it about when shes 23 your be 29, So when it comes to that age, and you still have a crush on her, then maybe consider asking her out, but not now :eek:
Reply 11
go out a and pull somoene else and force yourself to like them then you can at least have her out of your mind,

its hard i know to not think about people, people are harsh by saying eww and its wrong, you can;t chose who you fall for!!

you will proberly just forget about it in time!!
Reply 12
She still had friends, and went to a school. I don't think it's unlikely that her mum's friend had an older son, just like in the OP situation?

But basically, I don't think there's any specific advice other than to think about the implications, and the impossibility of the situation and try to use your maturity and morality to leave it. Perhaps you can't stop yourself feeling like that, but I think everyone would agree you can't act upon it.
(edited 4 years ago)
Try harder!!!!!
Use this as motivation -

- if you act on it, her mum will tell your mum and you will cause huge problems within your family

- you will be ostracised by the immediate community / subject of gossip

- you will most likely end on the Sex Offenders register

- you may end up in prison

Because the thing is, even if she likes you, her parents may be able to make a complaint because she's so young. (my knowledge of the law in this area in kind of patchy)

Do yourself a favour and stay away.

I hope you get over it :smile: - sometimes you know something is wrong but its difficult to stay away. Its just a bit more important in your situation to be strong about it. :redface:
Reply 15
Yeh i know, i simply must not act on this would cause no end of problems, i need to find someone at uni and fast lol, i know its kinda hard for people to understand that i think shes beautiful and i do know where your coming from so i have to keep this to myself.
Reply 16
Im a bit worried at the moment, as i seem to have a MASSIVE crush on this girl....whos 13, i try to stop thinking about her but i cant, i keep having these thoughts about her and i cant stop :confused:

Oh the people who jump on the :eek: *shock* *horror* bandwagon. For christ's sake, get over yourselves and grow up!!!

Higgy had the courage to put this up. Give the guy a little slack. Nowhere do I see signs of "perversion" - all I see is a guy expressing his feelings.

@Higgy. You're mature enough to realise the implications of following this through - especially if her parents react the same way as some of this thread's respondents. Also though, you have to consider the implications for the girl - she'd be treated with mistrust by her parents for a very long time to come.
Your feelings, I think, are genuine. You have to let them go, for her sake as well as yours. :smile:
You just gotta wait 3 years. She'll be well chuffed to have a 22 year old after her when she's 16.

True. But it's such a typically scallyish thing to do.
Reply 18
Right so having feelings for a younger girl makes them a scally does it?
Right so having feelings for a younger girl makes them a scally does it?
Younger? She's a child. In your case i was probably influenced to say what I said by your 'United In Hardcore till we Die!' sig.