The Student Room Group

Hormonal v. barrier contraception

I am currently using the contraceptive patch and in terms of practicality, its great. But I'm having issues because ever since i've been on hormonal contraception (i was on the pill before i started using the patch) I've become moody. Not drastically, just feeling weepy sometimes, for no real reason.
But my bf and I have been weighing up the pros and cons of going back to condoms and we can't decide! I have also been to my GP about this.

+ much more effective against pregnancy
+ easy to use
+ makes my periods regular (they were well screwed up before)
+ spontaneity
+ feels better for both of us

- makes me moody sometimes
- he gets down too when I get like that

+ I dont get moody ( I hope)
+ less messy (hehe)
+ protects againsts stis although we know we're both clean

- not as effective against pregnancy
- less spontanous
- doesn't feel so good


thoughts, opinions? which do you use and why?
Does anyone else get moody? did it stop you using hormonal contraception?
Reply 1
It's difficult to say with this kind of issue. Generally, I would say that condoms are more of a problem for men, so make sure that you're not letting your decision get overly influenced by your bf - he doesn't have to put up with the mood swings, so he's bound to prefer hormonal methods.

I think you should have a word with your GP - there are plenty of other hormonal contraceptives you could try, and they might not all have the effect the patch has had. Explain the situation, and your doctor can probably recommend something.
Reply 2
I have been to my GP (i did say in my original post hehe). he recommeded sticking it out for another few months tosee if the patch is better than the (two) pills i've already tried.

And my bf thinks maybe i should stop using hormonal methods because its making me upset more often. he's just thinking about me, the sweetie. but i like the convience and regularity of the patch! but we can both see each other points of view on this. so we're as stuck as if we had disagreed on it!
Reply 3
There are many different kinds of contraceptive pill (more than two). Perhaps you could try progesterone only instead of combined.
Reply 4
oh crap no! i had issues and scares trying to take the combined pill on time, let alone the POP. The patch is the only option for me! Its so easy (and its made my periods lighter and less painful)

but thanks. i just need to decide whether this moodiness is something we can live with!
Reply 5
There are only two types of contraception which do not release any hormones, and that is the condom and the coil. Everything else contains hormones. Carry on for a few more weeks and if you are still not happy go to your gp or family planning clinic and go have a chat. You could always try the mini pill, which only contains progesterone.

Good luck!

Reply 6
I totally symapathise with you!
I have had numerous problems with contraception myself and I'm currently a bit stuck on what to try next cos nothing seems to suit me!
I used to be on the pill and have tried about 5 different types, i know one was called cilest, but i cant remember the rest of them im afraid! basicly i had huge problems on all of them with breakthrough bleeding (once bled for 3 weeks!!) and moodiness. After nearly 6 months of using condoms with my boyfriend, we decided that i should go onto the injection, I'm now in my fifth month (second injection, they last for three months each) and my hormones are wild! I cry all the time, and feel super needy!Im i dispair really!! i really want to stop having it and try something else, but i dont know what else to try! and neither my boyfriend or i want to use condoms! I dont like the idea of an implant, because unless im mistaken they stay in there for 4 years, and im 21 , i have no idea when i want to start a family (not yet) but id like my options to be open! Also the coil i believe they only like to give if you've already had a baby? ( i could be totally wrong on this btw)

Can anyone help me by giving some more options?
Reply 7
sorry to hear about your issues! but at least we're not alone. the only thing I can think of for you is the cap. you still get the condomless sensation but no hormones. but its supposed to be well fiddly and not very sexy if u have to stop and fill it with spermicidal jelly!
how does you bf feel about the moodiness? does it get him down to see you like that or does he dismiss it as hormonal?
Reply 8
Did my family planning placement last week so have my leaflets at hand lol.

Contraceptive injection
-releases progesterone
-lasts for 12 weeks (depo provera) or 8 weeks ( noristerat)
-can gain weight
-side effects such as mood changes, spots, headaches
-fertility may take a while to come back after you stop

-releases progesterone
-works for 3 years but can be taken out at any time
-once removed, normal level of fertility returns immediately
-can make periods irregular
-side effects mood changes, spots, headaches
-some medication may stop the implant from working

-put into the womb and releases progesterone
-works for 5 years but can be removed at any time
-can cause irregular light bleeding between periods
-when removed normal level of fertility returns
-useful for people with very painful/heavy periods
-side effects mood changes, headaches, spots

-non hormonal
-placed in womb
-can stay 3-10 years
-normal level of fertility returns immediately when removed
-periods may be heavier/more painful
-small risk of infection in first 3 months
-small risk of ectopic pregnancy if iud fails
-you do not need to have had a baby to have the coil

contraceptive patch
-releases progesterone and oestrogen
-easy to use
-when taken off normal level of fertility returns
-can have temporary side effects
-can help to reduce bleeding and period pain

combined pill
-releases progesterone and oestrogen
-not as effective if taken late, you have diahorrea and vomiting
-some medications can make it less effective
-can cause temporary side effects

progesterone only pill(mini pill)
-can be used when breastfeeding
-periods may be irregular
-needs to be taken at the same time every day
-not effective if taken thee hours late

Reply 9
to be honest, I've never been that bothered by my form of contraception [the implant] - I guess it's a combination of the fact that I am ridiculously happy within myself and I also don't get the added paranoia of thinking "have I taken my pill?" every day. "have I taken it properly?" waah waah. etc.

Is the patch the only option for you? not keen on the implant?

cant stand the idea of it! >.< and i'm not sure if it will help, given that its the hormones that are doing it to me!
i'm really happy with everything about the patch except the moodiness. i don't get the paranoia of thinking 'have i taken it?' either anymore, thats why i'm not prepared to try any form of pill again!

and amyp, look at lessthanthree's contraception thread for help!
Reply 10