I totally symapathise with you!
I have had numerous problems with contraception myself and I'm currently a bit stuck on what to try next cos nothing seems to suit me!
I used to be on the pill and have tried about 5 different types, i know one was called cilest, but i cant remember the rest of them im afraid! basicly i had huge problems on all of them with breakthrough bleeding (once bled for 3 weeks!!) and moodiness. After nearly 6 months of using condoms with my boyfriend, we decided that i should go onto the injection, I'm now in my fifth month (second injection, they last for three months each) and my hormones are wild! I cry all the time, and feel super needy!Im i dispair really!! i really want to stop having it and try something else, but i dont know what else to try! and neither my boyfriend or i want to use condoms! I dont like the idea of an implant, because unless im mistaken they stay in there for 4 years, and im 21 , i have no idea when i want to start a family (not yet) but id like my options to be open! Also the coil i believe they only like to give if you've already had a baby? ( i could be totally wrong on this btw)
Can anyone help me by giving some more options?