The Student Room Group
You don't always get side effects. You're probably one of the lucky ones because often the side effects can show up quite quickly. You may still experience some, however, later on.
Reply 2
Some show up immediately, others take months to appear. Not everyone gets them though, otherwise nobody would go on the Pill! You may be one of the lucky ones.
Well for the first couple of months, I had breakthrough bleeding, sore breasts, and a couple of headaches. Now I've been on it for a year, and I regularly get nausea and headaches a week before I come on.
You're probably just lucky.
Didn't know you could post threads anonymously, shouldn't be allowed!
why not?
Reply 6
I've been on 3 pills over 3 and a half years and never had any side effects, so cross your fingers and hope for the best!

Actually, i'd recommend not thinking about it, otherwise you may start imagining effects that aren't there - just enjoy it and forget about it! (well...don't forget to take it, obviously :wink: )
Reply 7
i don't have any side effects either - i have also been on the pill two months.
I got fat and cried all the time. Fun.

Then I switched my brand and all is good now.
I had no side affects at all on the pill...

Now I've switched to the injection, and once again I've had no side affects asides from the best ones such as my periods have stopped, so no more hassle and the like every month (also good if you have high libido :p: :redface: ) and all is great.