The Student Room Group

Teeth: Extraction and Fillings

ARGH! I have to get one of my wisdom teeth taken out cos it's growing in wonky and has caused an ulcer on my cheek where it's been rubbing. ARGH! :afraid: Can anyone describe what happens? Does it hurt? Does it hurt afterwards? Can I drink and eat normally afterwards or won't my mouth work? How long does it take to heal? :frown: Stupid wonky tooth :frown:

I also have to get three fillings because I eat so much sugar and I haven't been for a checkup for two years. :bawling: OMG it's £50 per filling :eek: because I want white ones (the metal mouth look is not appealing). I'm sending off a HC1 form, where it asks me about my savings. I have a couple grand that I've saved from working, to use for next year's uni bills... will I get money off or have to eat beans on toast for all of next year?

Moral of the story kids: wisdom teeth are ****ing stupid, always brush your teeth after eating sweets and go for checkups every six months. Oh, and if you wanna make money, dentistry is blatantly the way forward :frown:
Reply 1
When I had my wisdom tooth out, I had a choice of local or general anaesthetic, but they don't really want you to have general. So I had local, and it wasn't that bad. It was over before I knew it! And I got a little bag to keep my tooth in, but the tooth fairy never came :bawling:

I found it didn't hurt that much and I was fine, but stock up on soup and similar things just in case.
Reply 2
to have my teeth out, they injected me with anesthetic in my gums (which makes your eyes water... eugh) and then you don't feel anything... obviously... then all you 'feel' is the nerves breaking as the dentist puts pressure on your tooth, and thats it. :smile:
Reply 3
Your mouth will swell up after anestheic has been injected in it and will make you dribble like a ****** for a few hours afterwards, when the swelling goes down it will hurt quite a bit so make sure you have some parcetamol around or something.
Reply 4
Honestly, it really isn't bad, you can't feel a thing.

It's quite funny really seeing them yanking something out of your mouth and not being able to feel it!
Reply 5
:eek: You can feel the nerves break? (Obviously not feel the pain, but feel the movement). OMG. It's not til next week but I'm pretty nervous. Will I have a big hole there where it was? It doesn't get stitches does it? Can I eat and drink normally after?

When I had my back molars out to fit my brace I could feel them twisting the tooth and pulling it to get it out, but it didn't hurt at all. It sounded a bit crunchy which was weird though. You shouldn't need to have stitches, they may just give you a wad of cottony stuff to bite on to stop the bleeding - repeat this at home using tissues if it carries on. Fillings are nastier imo, as you can feel the drilling vibrate your whole jaw. And afterwards before the anaesthetic wears off your mouth will feel very weird. Try not to bite through your lip like I did just because I couldn't feel it.

Over the next day or so you should avoid hot drinks and alcohol (but you should be fine a week later, gums heal quite quickly), as well as any food that might be "scratchy" (like cornflakes, toast, etc). I was never advised about spicy food and no advice I can find suggests against it, so you will probably be ok there!

I'm not sure if you do smoke, but if so you should avoid it for at least 24 hours, 48 is better.
Reply 6
I had all four wisdom teeth taken out under general anaesthetic in October. As soon as I got to the hospital, I burst into tears, I was absolutely terrified but it was absolutely fine. No funny dreams or after effects from the anaesthetic, and I was woken up 45 minutes after they started. I think the build-up is the worst thing. When I woke up, I was drowsy and had a nose bleed (apparently they'd shoved a tube up my nose) but I was able to get into bed by myself, drinking soup 2 hours later (I was starving!). My cheeks felt swollen but it seemed like the swelling was on the inside because I didn't look any different to normal on the outside. I was allowed out of hospital 5 hours after waking up, had pasta and chocolate as soon as I got home (as you might have guessed, I like my food) and I wasn't in any pain until about 5 days later, but a dose of codeine fixed that. The experience was nowhere near as scary as I'd thought, and the nurses and dentist looked after me really well. The only irritating thing about it is the constant mouthwashes, antibiotics and salt water for the next week!
Reply 7
I had a tooth growing in at an odd angle in my mouth and 5 years later I still have a hole in my mouth where it used to be. So maybe.. :s-smilie:

My wisdom teeth arent coming out the way I'd like them too and my dentist has said he'll refer me when I can get to the hopsital - eep.

As for the HC1 form (for the HC2 certificate) you'll just have to hope for the best cause I for one can't work out who they deem too rich to have one.
Reply 8
ARGH! I have to get one of my wisdom teeth taken out cos it's growing in wonky and has caused an ulcer on my cheek where it's been rubbing. ARGH! :afraid: Can anyone describe what happens? Does it hurt? Does it hurt afterwards? Can I drink and eat normally afterwards or won't my mouth work? How long does it take to heal? :frown: Stupid wonky tooth :frown:

I also have to get three fillings because I eat so much sugar and I haven't been for a checkup for two years. :bawling: OMG it's £50 per filling :eek: because I want white ones (the metal mouth look is not appealing). I'm sending off a HC1 form, where it asks me about my savings. I have a couple grand that I've saved from working, to use for next year's uni bills... will I get money off or have to eat beans on toast for all of next year?

Moral of the story kids: wisdom teeth are ****ing stupid, always brush your teeth after eating sweets and go for checkups every six months. Oh, and if you wanna make money, dentistry is blatantly the way forward :frown:

It might hurt a little when the injection is given but you won't feel anything other than pressure when the tooth is being pulled out. Your dentist will tell you about aftercare, i.e washing mouth with salt water, avoiding hot drinks until the anaesthetic has worn off.

Good luck! (it'll be ok!)
Reply 9
ARGH! I have to get one of my wisdom teeth taken out cos it's growing in wonky and has caused an ulcer on my cheek where it's been rubbing. ARGH! :afraid: Can anyone describe what happens? Does it hurt? Does it hurt afterwards? Can I drink and eat normally afterwards or won't my mouth work? How long does it take to heal? :frown: Stupid wonky tooth :frown:

I also have to get three fillings because I eat so much sugar and I haven't been for a checkup for two years. :bawling: OMG it's £50 per filling :eek: because I want white ones (the metal mouth look is not appealing). I'm sending off a HC1 form, where it asks me about my savings. I have a couple grand that I've saved from working, to use for next year's uni bills... will I get money off or have to eat beans on toast for all of next year?

Moral of the story kids: wisdom teeth are ****ing stupid, always brush your teeth after eating sweets and go for checkups every six months. Oh, and if you wanna make money, dentistry is blatantly the way forward :frown:

It might hurt a little when the injection is given but you won't feel anything other than pressure when the tooth is being pulled out. Your dentist will tell you about aftercare, i.e washing mouth with salt water, avoiding hot drinks until the anaesthetic has worn off.

Good luck! (it'll be ok!)
:eek: You can feel the nerves break? (Obviously not feel the pain, but feel the movement). OMG. It's not til next week but I'm pretty nervous. Will I have a big hole there where it was? It doesn't get stitches does it? Can I eat and drink normally after?

lol aww... yes you feel the movement, but it's nothing to worry about.
when they give you the injections too, your lips go numb, so you can't really speak... there will be a big hole, and when the anesthetic wears off, it might hurt a bit.. you might need to avoid things that could 'jab' the area, like crisps.. because that will hurt. you don't need stitches, and if you are having a brace, the gap will close in time. :smile:
:eek: You can feel the nerves break? (Obviously not feel the pain, but feel the movement). OMG. It's not til next week but I'm pretty nervous. Will I have a big hole there where it was? It doesn't get stitches does it? Can I eat and drink normally after?

lol aww... yes you feel the movement, but it's nothing to worry about.
when they give you the injections too, your lips go numb, so you can't really speak... there will be a big hole, and when the anesthetic wears off, it might hurt a bit.. you might need to avoid things that could 'jab' the area, like crisps.. because that will hurt. you don't need stitches, and if you are having a brace, the gap will close in time. :smile:
Reply 12
Depends... I had stitches where mine had been taken out, but they were dissolvable ones, ached a bit about 5 days after the op when it started healing but they soon came out!
Reply 13
Depends... I had stitches where mine had been taken out, but they were dissolvable ones, ached a bit about 5 days after the op when it started healing but they soon came out!
Reply 14
It depends on how the extraction has to be done as to whether it's a "proper" operation or not - mostly they can be done under local. And apparently filing is REALLY nasty and hurts. I'd just have it whipped out rather than risk it getting infected in future.
I suppose it depends how much has to be filed off, but I have had my wisdom teeth filed for the same reason and it didn't hurt at all. Filing is only a temporary solution though... as the wisdom tooth keeps coming through it will just rub the cheek and might cause an ulcer again
Reply 16
Gutted. I have seven, yes SEVEN wisdom teeth and if they go manky i.e. all try to come out then all of them will have to be removed. I had four teeth out last year for my brace too, all at once and so had 12 injections. I think the injections were the worst part. That and not being able to feel a thing and dribbling blood everywhere!
Reply 17
It depends if the teeth are impacted or not because if they are then they have to start cutting the gums and it means stitches (this is what I am going to have done when my health authority stop screwing it up)
Reply 18
I've had teeth taken out under locals before, its great, hardly any pain just a slight prick, you feel a bit tired when you wake up but everybody feels sorry for you for the next few days so you can rest in bed without feeling guilty.

I need some route canal fillings doing but I just want my front three teeth removed and replaced with dentures.